Image of Lotus Exige S

Lotus Exige S specs

Price in US $57,915 - $64,750
Price in Britain £41,740
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 933-935 kg (2057-2061 lbs)
Introduced 2005
Origin country United Kingdom
Gas mileage 13.8 l/100 km (17 mpg US / 20 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 331 g/km
Views 46.8k


0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 60 mph4.1 s
0 - 100 mph11.1 s
0 - 120 mph18.3 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.9 s @ 90.1 mph
1/4 mile12.6 s
Lotus Exige S acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed240 kph (149 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 016.6 s
Lateral acceleration1.00 g (10 m/s²)
70 mph - 047 m (154 ft)
Noise @ idle57 dB
Noise @ 70 mph79 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4 cyl
Displacement 1.8 l (110 ci)
Power 222 ps (219 bhp / 163 kw)
Torque 215 Nm (159 lb-ft)
Power / liter 123 ps (121 hp)
Power / weight 237 ps (234 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 230 Nm (170 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 16 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6-Speed
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Hilux GR-S  2y ago

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evo9fq 360  16y ago

not possible 12.9! I suppose 14-15 s

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Anonymous  17y ago

Did you just make these 0-100kph and 0-160kph times up?

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Anonymous  17y ago

The VIR time has a comma in it, which is throwing off that track's times

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Anonymous  18y ago

Yeah theres no way this thing doe the ring in 7:50, that claim was total bullshit yo!!!

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Georg  18y ago
the Oschersleben laptime source

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Anonymous  19y ago

0-160 - 9.98 seconds

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Billyo  19y ago

the gallardo spder was not on a wet track - thats what the guy said

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Georg  19y ago

Anonymous sportauto tested the 192PS Exige Mk II with 8:32min and the 179PS MkI Exige with 8:42min. The Lotus Exige lacks in topspeed and high speed acceleration to make good times at the Ring...
The simlar 200hp/250Nm Opel Speedster Turbo reach 8:34min
To get that Exige under 8:30min on a full lpa needs a highly skilled race driver!
perhaps this 7:50min guy was reffering to a bridge to bridge lap (touris lap) without the Doettingerhöhe straight

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Heyhuub  19y ago

A stock Exige hasn't got the top end power to achieve those laps on the ring.

PLus the Gallardo on the top gear track was a wet lap.

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FastestLaps  19y ago

No matter whether it can or can't achieve 7:50, this lap time had to be deleted because of no reference information. And lap time you submitted for 2-11 at TopGear track was laughingly slow. Slower than Lacetti 1.8 as far as I remember.

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Anonymous  19y ago

you utter knobend - how can it not achieve it - were you there? - No - it can go as quick as lambo gallardo sypder round the top gear track so y can't it do that time - it's my exige he did it in and another chap i know has modified the tyres i've got on it - and my m8 that did the lap had spend 3 weeks camping near the nurburgring and i drove out and stayed with him the last week he was there and we took both cars (my exige, his new 2-11) and i timed them

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Heyhuub  19y ago

No stock Exige can achieve that kind of time, so i deleted it.

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FastestLaps  19y ago

Lap time 7:50 at Nordschleife is most likely to be deleted. "My friend did it" is not a reference. If your friend really did it I hope he has filmed it otherwise there is no way to prove it.

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Heyhuub  19y ago

I changed it already, now it should appear in the list as it should.

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FastestLaps  19y ago

What do you mean by saying "out of order?" What's wrong with this lap time?

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GTR  19y ago

time placed on list out of order on top gear track

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Unknown  19y ago

sorry - i got that wrong 0-200 is about 12.9 seconds i think - sorry - i didnt check what i'd written b4 posting - SRRY