Image of Pontiac GTO 6.0

Pontiac GTO 6.0 specs

Price in US $33,690
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1668-1718 kg (3677-3788 lbs)
Introduced 2006
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 16.8 l/100 km (14 mpg US / 17 mpg UK)
Views 86.4k

Lap times


0 - 100 kph4.6 s
5 - 60 mph5.1 s
0 - 30 mph1.8 s
0 - 40 mph2.6 s
0 - 50 mph3.7 s
0 - 60 mph4.7 s
0 - 70 mph6.2 s
0 - 80 mph7.8 s
0 - 90 mph9.6 s
0 - 100 mph11.2 s
0 - 130 mph19.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.8 s @ 90.1 mph
1/4 mile13.3 s @ 108.1 mph
Pontiac GTO 6.0 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed274 kph (170 mph)
600ft slalom102.4 kph (63.6 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.88 g (9 m/s²)
60 mph - 037 m (121 ft)
70 mph - 051 m (167 ft)
100 mph - 0104 m (341 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8
Displacement 6.0 l (366 ci)
Power 400 ps (395 bhp / 294 kw)
Torque 536 Nm (395 lb-ft)
Power / liter 67 ps (66 hp)
Power / weight 235 ps (232 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 315 Nm (232 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 24 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 6
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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CJay  1y ago

My neighbor had a 5.7 GTO and put a mint idk how much exactly into it and it was a serious street car, that thing roared, something different. I think the DEA or govt. Ended up with it, dude was into some shady stuff

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karl  3y ago

me looking at this as a first car as a 15 year old 😎

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MrTom  3y ago

I owned the British version of this car (Vauxhall Monaro). While the interior was pretty dull & the exterior styling was a bit uninspired, it was loads of fun to drive.
Fast on the straights, sharp in the corners & the engine note is glorious.

If you turn off all the driver assists it'll turn anyone (even my nan once lol) into Daigo Saito.

Unfortunately, I lost mine in the most British way possible - someone nicked it from my house & binned it in a ditch.

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hostboy  3y ago

Sadly the 6.0 GTO is not much faster than the Trans Am WS6.

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hostboy  3y ago

Change country of origin to Australia, this car was made by Holden

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Corvolet3  4y ago

Underrated car

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Samaro  4y ago

GTO was the Trans Am/Z28 GM should have made in the mid 2000s, 100 more hp than the Mustang had in 2005. 2010 Camaro SS came out with 426 hp LS3 and Ford had to wake up, I guess they didn’t think of the GTO as competition but they should have. They’re about even now in a straight line but Mustangs have never handled like F bodies, that’s why YouTube is full of videos of them hitting everything.

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QSGTO  5y ago


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HighGear  6y ago

Motor Trend

0-30mph: 1.8s
0-40mph: 2.6s
0-50mph: 3.7s
0-60mph: 4.7s
0-70mph: 6.2s
0-80mph: 7.8s
0-90mph: 9.6s
0-100mph: 11.7s

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HighGear  6y ago

0-60mph: 4.7s
Ranks [B 583] in my Performance Points system.

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ekimray 1  6y ago

my 2007 mustang gt ,will blow away any GTO

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jeremyflood  6y ago

Dollar for dollar this is one of the fastest cars produced in the last 15 years. Lots of ignorant comments here from people who clearly do not build. This car will eat most $80,000 cars for around $12,000 todays cost. Intelligently put $10,000 into it and nearly nothing on the street can beat it. Just lots of ignorance in this thread.

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Marlo  9y ago

Where are you getting your hp and torque rating? I thought the gto put out 400 hp.

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BR2+  9y ago

....What does that have to do with anything?..

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The dude 75  9y ago

Its twice the cost, idiot.

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Mr. RS4  9y ago

oh yeah and the RS4's V8 will rev to 8,250rpm!

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Mr. RS4  9y ago

B7 Audi RS4, 420hp with a 4.2l engine......enough said!

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FastestLaps  9y ago

Rooster, you did 180 kph? :D

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Lolurtotesjokes  9y ago

I did 180 on your mom last night

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Rooster  9y ago

I did over 180 in my a4 with bolt on mods.

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Saatvik Jacob  9y ago

It does a 200 MPH it can do, there is a picture and a video also to prove it.

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BR2+  12y ago

Underated or not, its still not doing 189Mph. Even if it had 430Bhp real power, It wouldnt do it. A 5.7 03-04 model with 350Bhp had a max of 167Mph(Limiter cutoff 158Mph)(I know stupid)

A Hsv Vz GTO Coupe is said by Hsv to hit 180Mph even, Most have reported 176Mph, ANd that has the same engine, and gearing(With exception of 5th and 6th) and "Slightly" better Aero, And that doesnt do 189Mph.

2005 C6 400Bhp 187Mph, 2004 911 Turbo 415Bhp 188Mph, 360 CS 425Bhp 186Mph, 2004 493Bhp CL55 AMG Unlimited 189Mph.

Fastest stock 2006 400Bhp GTO i believe has been 172Mph, SOme "Speedos" showing higher. This does not do 189Mph plain and simple, Not with what it has.

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bluefingers  12y ago

That car's 400 horsepower is underrated though.

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Shaggy  12y ago

It could do 189 mph with an extra 120 horsepower by my calculations.

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bluefingers  12y ago

It CAN reach 189 but ONLY with a few thousand miles.

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Shaggy  12y ago

This car couldn't do 189 mph falling from a plane.

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BR2+  12y ago

...This aint doing 189.

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bluefingers  12y ago

Restricted top speed is 158 mph. 189 de-restricted.

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GasGuzzler 6.0  13y ago

Hey guys, i agree it is sad there are no track times :( once i have more time and money ill get working on the tracks in CA though, although mine will be with full exhaust and track suspension. If you want performance out of a GTO that's really all you have to do... really transformed the handling ability of the car.

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monkeypop  14y ago


So a car with a top speed of 170mph and 0-60 in less than 5 seconds for $30k is crap performance? Seems like a damn good bargain to me.

Photo of Pontiac GTO 6.0

Photo of Pontiac GTO 6.0