Image of Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI Spyder

Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI Spyder (Mk I) specs

Price in Europe €156,400 - €190,080
Car type Convertible
Curb weight 1720-1788 kg (3792-3942 lbs)
Dimensions 4.43 m (175 in) long, 1.90 m (75 in) wide, 1.24 m (49 in) high
Wheelbase 2.65 m (104 in)
Introduced 2010
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 22.6-13.7 l/100 km (10-17 mpg US / 12-21 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 344 g/km
Views 38.4k


0 - 40 kph1.4 s
0 - 50 kph1.7 s
0 - 60 kph2.1 s
0 - 80 kph3.2 s
0 - 100 kph4.1 s
0 - 120 kph5.8 s
0 - 130 kph6.4 s
0 - 140 kph7.4 s
0 - 160 kph9.0 s
0 - 180 kph11.5 s
0 - 200 kph12.7 s
0 - 300 kph43.9 s
1000 m22.3 s @ 154.0 kph
0 - 60 mph3.7 s
0 - 100 mph8.3 s
0 - 150 mph20.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.5 s @ 98.8 mph
1/4 mile11.9 s
Est. 1/2 mile19.8 s @ 147.9 mph
Est. 1 mile31.9 s @ 173.4 mph
Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI Spyder acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed331 kph (206 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 013.0 s @ 932 ft
Est. max acceleration0.72 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom70.4 kph (43.7 mph)
100 kph - 033 m (108 ft)
200 kph - 0140 m (458 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V10 40v DOHC FSI
Displacement 5.2 l (317 ci)
Power 525 ps (518 bhp / 386 kw) @ 8000 rpm
Torque 530 Nm (391 lb-ft) @ 6500 rpm
Power / liter 101 ps (100 hp)
Power / weight 299 ps (295 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 302 Nm (223 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 31 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 15 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual or 6 speed R-Tronic
Layout middle engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)4.4 s
80 - 120 kph (5)5.9 s
80 - 120 kph (6)7.5 s
80 - 160 kph (4)8.7 s
80 - 160 kph (5)11.4 s
80 - 160 kph (6)14.8 s
80 - 120 kph2.2 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph3.3 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph9.2 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph30.5 s
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Hoppelmoppel123  4y ago

Where did it drive that top speed?

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Inline 6 rules  8y ago

Please change the top speed! No way this can do 331! The coupe version can do 316!

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Fangio Man  13y ago

I like this specific colour!

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Julle85  14y ago


I add more performance figures for the Audi R8 Spyder V10.


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benzsl  14y ago

Sorry, wrong data.

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DeDe  14y ago

0-300 km/h: 43,9 s

Source: french Sport Auto -

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anon  15y ago

why is its top speed higher than hardtop???

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VenciBG  15y ago

you can say only bad things for this sweety only if you are getting angry becose its most beautifull ever made until now and nobody can missed it. its awesome. go ingolstat

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Georg  15y ago

according to Autocar they tested the topspeed with 206mph =331km/h... now I have the feeling that autocar simple made a mistake by covering km/h into mph... the officle topseed is 313kmh ... perhaps someone put 331 in the km/h mph calculation tool and not 313??

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YoungSinatra  16y ago

For the most part I don\'t like convertable sports cars. I prefer hardtops. And I never really liked the R-8. But THIS is the FIRST spyder I\'ve fallen in luv with. I don\'t even like the Ferrari spyders. But THIS car is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I don\'t even care what the performance specs are on it. This is the only convertible sports car I would buy right now. Too sweet:)

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grove street 4 life  16y ago

i hate this car too much
dodge viper srt10 is better
the world\'s fastest cars are
1: bugatti veyron super sport
2: ssc ultimate aero
3: 9ff gt9
these are the world\'s fastest cars without tuning reaching 400 km/h

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FadeToBlack  16y ago

1/4 mile is 12.0 seconds according to -> InsideLine video.

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gt  16y ago

Maybe gave wrong data.

we don\'t really take wikipedia\'s words in fastestlaps, i mean how could they even know what type of lap the gt2 rs did? porsche haven\'t said anything about it, why wait for wikipedia when EVO provided us with videos showing that those laps were not Full..

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benzsl  16y ago

I have seen those videos before.But I have the link from wikipedia.

Maybe wikipedia gave wrong data.

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gt  16y ago

the MC 12,ENZO and Zonda F clubsport carrera gt.. all those cars were tested the same way sportauto test wich is not a full lap..


the difference is not 7 seconds it can be more it can be less depending on cars speed..

IT = Independent Test

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benzsl  16y ago

From wikipedia,it is said that original lap would take 7 secends more than the shortened lap.And 997 GT2 RS got 7:18 from shortened lap(20,600m).In comparison,MC 12,ENZO and Zonda F clubsport were tested in full lap(20,832m).So that\'s unfair.

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gt  16y ago

at the beginning of the track, that +200m strait only count when doing full laps sportauto doesn\'t count it

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benzsl  16y ago

Does anyone know in which part Sport Auto lap(20600m) is shortened compared with \'full lap\'of Nurburgring(20832m)?

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benzsl  16y ago

@Mike B

What\'s the difference between \'full lap\'and ordinary lap(sport auto)?

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Mike B  16y ago

I believe you should separate the Nordschleife times, some of them are the full lap while others (the ones from sportauto) are the 20600m. lap

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bophje  16y ago

V10 and the Looks is awesome R8 ftw

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Yaspaa  16y ago

"disabled filthy retarded kid" with a mouldy brain. That's harsh. Hahahah

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gt  16y ago

Well, im sorry you feel that way.

about you?? yeah its a good thing that you feel sorry about your self

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gt  16y ago

you shouldn't care because they're just a words coming out from a retarded 4 years old kid that nobody cares about, fact is you should go learn you some English/communication skills because you lame and have nothing to do with cars you can't even prove that you ever talked about cars before! all i see is an
Anonymous who claim BS that will get deleted soon!

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Anonymous  16y ago

Well, im sorry you feel that way.

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gt  16y ago

you shouldn't care because they're just a words coming out from a retarded 4 years old kid nobody cares about what your saying facts you should go learn you some English/communication skills cause you lame and have nothing to do with cares you can't even prove that you ever talked about cars in this site before! all i see i an
Anonymous who claim BS that will get deleted soon!

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Anonymous  16y ago

LOL do you really think i care if my comments get deleted? No, i dont care in the less, Learn to talk, like i said, its FACT, Get over it! i wont respond again to a little child, im just going to enjoy this wonderfull site. so yeah talk all you want.

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gt  16y ago

im here to talk bout this wonderful Audi R8 V10

and when you did that?, all you do is talk a load of crap and yeah go to sleep i live in GMT not in a cave talking berebere before giong to sleep like you fact is you just a disabled filthy retarded kid who can't talk english! and all this BS of yours will be deleted

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Anonymous  16y ago

Sure man, whatever you say, You just cant face the facts. but whatever, im here to talk bout this wonderful Audi R8 V10 Spyder, not some 4 year old kid who cant speak english, but have a good night anyway.