Image of BMW X3 M40i

BMW X3 M40i (G01) specs

Price in Europe €68,700 - €83,320
Price in US $55,295 - $68,670
Car type SUV/truck
Curb weight 1810-1942 kg (3990-4281 lbs)
Introduced 2017
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 14.9-8.4 l/100 km (16-28 mpg US / 19-34 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 214 - 274 g/km
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Submitted by Inline 6 rules

Lap times

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.4 s
0 - 80 kph3.1 s
0 - 100 kph4.5 s
0 - 120 kph6.4 s
0 - 130 kph7.1 s
0 - 160 kph10.7 s
0 - 180 kph13.8 s
0 - 200 kph17.7 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.8 s
0 - 40 mph2.6 s
0 - 50 mph3.6 s
0 - 60 mph4.8 s
0 - 70 mph6.2 s
0 - 80 mph7.9 s
0 - 90 mph9.9 s
0 - 100 mph12.3 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.1 s @ 93.2 mph
1/4 mile12.8 s
BMW X3 M40i acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 016.6 s
Est. max acceleration0.69 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom64.9 kph (40.3 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.85 g (8 m/s²)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Inline 6, turbo, DI, 24 valves, DOHC, DVVT, VVL
Displacement 3.0 l (183 ci / 2998 cc)
Power 360 ps (355 bhp / 265 kw) @ 5500 rpm
Torque 500 Nm (369 lb-ft) @ 1520 rpm
Power / liter 120 ps (118 hp)
Power / weight 190 ps (188 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 264 Nm (195 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 30 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 25 ps
Transmission 8 speed automatic
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

Braking distance

100 kph - 034 m (112 ft)
130 kph - 059 m (193 ft)
190 kph - 0125 m (410 ft)
200 kph - 0142 m (467 ft)
60 mph - 034 m (112 ft)

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)3.6 s
80 - 120 kph (5)4.8 s
80 - 120 kph (6)6.5 s
80 - 120 kph (7)8.0 s
80 - 120 kph (8)11.1 s
80 - 160 kph (4)8.5 s
80 - 160 kph (5)10.2 s
80 - 160 kph (6)14.0 s
80 - 160 kph (7)18.0 s
80 - 160 kph (8)26.4 s
80 - 120 kph3.0 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph14.1 s

Interior noise

Noise @ 80 kph63 dB
Noise @ 100 kph66 dB
Noise @ 130 kph68 dB
Noise @ 160 kph72 dB
Noise @ 180 kph73 dB
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saxy  6y ago

Actual speed was probably 250kph, but the speedo said 260.


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FastestLaps  6y ago

Speedos are not always optimistic. Often they are pessimistic and sometimes they are actually accurate lol

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Ghost Rider  6y ago

My top speed was 260 with my X3 M40i.
Didn’t record 0-100 or 0-200..
Maybe soon i will :)


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BenD  5y ago

Did you record a lap time or have you seen any lap times for a X3M40? Really curious. I own one and consider it extremely quick and well balanced

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Ahmadreza Ardeshirzadeh  6y ago

This versus glc43 would be quite interesting

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Inline 6 rules  7y ago

0-100: 4.9 s
0-120: 6.6 s
0-140: 7.7 s
0-160: 11.6 s
0-200: 19.8 s
1/4 mile: 13.1 s

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Inline 6 rules  7y ago

The top version of the new X3.
0-100: 4.8 s
Top speed: 250 km/h.


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Bend  5y ago

When will we see a lap time for the BMW X3M40?

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beanoir  4y ago @Bend

DO people actually take mum's cars on track days??