Image of Ford Thunderbird SC

Ford Thunderbird SC specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1632 kg (3598 lbs)
Introduced 1993
Origin country United States
Views 14.4k
Submitted by johnrichardson


0 - 100 kph7.0 s
0 - 60 mph6.9 s
Top speed224 kph (139 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type 6 Cylinder 24 Valve SOHC Supercharged
Displacement 3.8 l (232 ci)
Power 238 ps (235 bhp / 175 kw)
Torque 447 Nm (330 lb-ft)
Power / liter 63 ps (62 hp)
Power / weight 146 ps (144 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 274 Nm (202 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 5 speed Manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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wallenieswiftie  5m ago

This car was an American BMW M6.

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Ron  2y ago

Quote: "Engine type 6 Cylinder 24 Valve SOHC Supercharged "

This also wrong/incorrect. The engine is an OHV (Over Head Valve) = 12 valves, 2 per cylinder - 1 intake, 1 exhaust

Not a DOHC (Dual Over Head Cam) = 2 camshafts directly on top of each head and running 4 valves per cylinder = 24 valves

Whomever wrote this article obviously was a sleep at the keyboard, had no knowledge of this vehicle, or had no one proofing it before it was published. Another reason to scrutinize everything you read online until it's cross referenced thru multiple unrelated sources. Imho

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Allen  3y ago

My 160hp honda integra can do 0 to 100 in approx 7.5 and a quarter mile in 15.3 at 90 mph this 15.9 can't be right lol

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Allen  3y ago

Yeah I agree I know gearing etc but if it csn accelerate to 60mph in 6 seconds flat that's probably 6.5 to 6.8 to 100 15.9 quarter lol yeah I was expecting 14.9 not 15 9 even as fast as 14.4 ish

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hostboy  3y ago

Now that I looked back, 6.0 to 60 yet 15.9 to the quartermile?? That doesn't sound right

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hostboy  5y ago

0-60 mph: 6.0 sec
1/4-mile: 15.9 sec @ 87 mph

Skip to 1:27 and see these results for yourself!


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Jayy  5y ago

Wrong! Look it up on YouTube, Motortrend did a show on the Thunderbird SC its on there. Introduced in 89'. 0 to 60 in 6.0 seconds. Top speed 143 to 147 mph is what the real specs are. Ford downplayed their own car for the Mustang.