Image of Koenigsegg CCR

Koenigsegg CCR specs

Price in Europe €531,280
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1370-1418 kg (3020-3126 lbs)
Introduced 2004
Origin country Sweden
Gas mileage 33.4-13.9 l/100 km (7-17 mpg US / 8-20 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 414 g/km
Views 66.8k


0 - 40 kph1.5 s
0 - 60 kph2.1 s
0 - 80 kph3.0 s
0 - 100 kph3.2 s
0 - 120 kph4.3 s
0 - 140 kph5.5 s
0 - 160 kph6.5 s
0 - 180 kph7.9 s
0 - 200 kph9.3 s
0 - 220 kph11.0 s
0 - 240 kph13.7 s
0 - 260 kph16.2 s
0 - 300 kph24.9 s
Est. 1000 m20.3 s @ 282.0 kph
Est. 0 - 60 mph3.3 s
0 - 100 mph6.5 s
0 - 150 mph13.7 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.6 s @ 109.4 mph
1/4 mile11.2 s @ 139.2 mph
Est. 1/2 mile17.6 s @ 167.1 mph
Koenigsegg CCR acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed395 kph (245 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.88 g (9 m/s²)
18m slalom71.8 kph (44.6 mph)
100 kph - 032 m (105 ft)
200 kph - 0136 m (446 ft)
Noise @ 80 kph86 dB
Noise @ 100 kph86 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type Supercharged V8
Displacement 4.7 l (287 ci)
Power 806 ps (795 bhp / 593 kw)
Torque 920 Nm (679 lb-ft)
Power / liter 172 ps (169 hp)
Power / weight 575 ps (567 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 656 Nm (484 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 37 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 8 ps
Transmission 6 speed
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)3.8 s
80 - 120 kph (5)5.5 s
80 - 120 kph (6)7.3 s
80 - 160 kph (4)7.2 s
80 - 160 kph (5)10.7 s
80 - 160 kph (6)14.7 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.1 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph6.0 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph15.4 s
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GriN  10m ago


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hostboy  3y ago

My performance estimates:
3.8 sec to 60 mph
6.9 sec to 100 mph
13.8 sec to 150 mph
27.9 sec to 200 mph
11.4 sec @ 135 mph (1/4-mile from dead stop)
10.8 sec @ 138 mph (prepped dragstrip with rollout subtracted)
238 mph (top speed)

MT Figure-8 = ((900/(30/24)x(1853))/0.021)/704))x0.86x0.61x0.5 = 23.6 sec @ 1.01 G
Nordschleife = ((20600m/(300km/h/((265m)x0.3048m))x(1853kg/704hp)/1.29g)x0.0095x0.85 = 7:21
TG Test Track = (4085.165718285781lb/704hp)x((1.75mi)x12)x0.86x0.61/0.75 = 1:23

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TypeF173  3y ago

Koenigsegg CCR beat the Mclaren F1 like for like at the Nardo Ring for top speeds. And not by much and that's a fact.

The Mclaren F1 picked up 11.956MPH peak velocities at Ehra-Lessien by NOT being on the banked ovals.

I'm quite sure the Koenigsegg CCR could have too. Power Aerodynamics Gearing etc, it was good for it. That would have theoretically put it at 252.966MPH.

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TypeF173  3y ago

I'm not quite sure how a Koenigsegg CCR was THREE seconds slower to 300km/h than the Koenigsegg CCX, but that's statistically a significant degree of variance. I see no reason whatsoever why this car cannot achieve the same time in "ideal" conditions. Something, sometime to look at.

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TypeF173  3y ago

Mr Smooth himself in a right hand drive Koenigsegg CCR! In England which I know VERY well! Coffee time!😉


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TypeF173  3y ago

There's an EDO COMPETITION Koenigsegg CCR? WTF!😉💯🔥

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TypeF173  3y ago

So I consulted my extensive collection of Autocar and Motor magazines. And the Koenigsegg CCR in the WET is quicker than than the Koenigsegg CC8S was in the DRY!

See, you get extra data and or metric sets that's one way of interpretation.

I've NEVER done that before and it's because magazines won't test in conditions like that. Also the CC8S was tested to 200MPH so using calculations we can get an idea of the Koenigsegg CCR's performance at that speed!

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TypeF173  3y ago

@Fastestlaps Koenigsegg independently tested and verified times are as rare as Pink Unicorns? We finally get some and for whatever reason they aren't made priority? Please add these. How many sets of MPH metrics do we actually have! Smh!

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TypeF173  3y ago

@Hoppelmoppel123 can we add these MPH figures please from EVO Magazine for the Koenigsegg CCR? Thanks.

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TypeF173  3y ago

@Hoppelmoppel123, can we please add the verified MPH readings for the Koenigsegg CCR from the Evo Magazine test as below scan verifications please? Not Hostboy, but I can't believe they've been missed? LOL!

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hostboy  3y ago

The CCR wasn't much slower in the rain in EVO's conducted testing than the CCX was in dried conditions.

When they tested the CCR (November 2004) on Koenigsegg's wet test track, they recorded a 1/4 mile time only 0.2sec slower (12.3sec).

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Shwingbob  3y ago

wasnt the top speed one way?

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hostboy  4y ago

Koenigsegg CCR acceleration estimates according to X-Engineer (at first the estimates were too optimistic, so I had to make the simulated car undergo several changes, including rolling resistance and ambient air density)


Engine speed @ maximum torque [rpm]
Engine speed @ maximum power [rpm]
Gear ratios [-] Gearbox
Wheel static radius [m]
Driveline efficiency [-]
Wheel (tire) friction coefficient [-]
Rear axle load coefficient [-]
Vehicle mass (curb) [kg]
Driver mass [kg]
Aerodynamic drag coefficient [-]
Ambient air density [kg/m3]
Vehicle frontal area [m2]
Road slope [%]
Road load coefficient [-]
Engine speed points (full load) [rpm]
Engine static torque points (full load) [Nm]
Simulation time [s]

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TypeF173  4y ago

Quote>"When Was The Last Time You Saw A Koenigsegg CCX On A Dyno?"

"Compared to the latest crop of crazy electrified supercars, its peak output of 806 horsepower (601 kilowatts) and 679 pound-feet (920 Newton-meters) of torque may seem a bit outdated but, trust us, its performance is still admirable."

Quote>"The best number the supercar registered was 653 wheel horsepower."

I see. Incredibly rare dyno video. Percentage % between manufacturer specifications claims and dyno results reported> = 20.9733% difference.

That's essentially 21%. The car is a manual transmission and admittedly she's no longer factory manufacturer production fresh but it still seems too high.

The reasonable answer is based on the previous CC8S which underperformed in Autocar testing is it wasn't making "806hp" in the first place.

So 653x15%= 751hp which seems to be more accurate. Vis a vis testing done and compared to the McLaren F1. Which in acceleration NONE of them did until the Koenigsegg Agera R was tested. Top speed was unidirectional and only achieved under 1MPH more.

Still whatever, incredible machines. I wasn't too bothered by the ones that came after. My life circumstances changed and cars weren't a priority. But I'll look at those too.

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FastestLaps  5y ago

Hoppel, you entered Swedish krone as euros and price for this appeared as 8.8 million euro and for 911 Carrera 1 million euro...

Only usd and eur are supported (price in euro zone and price in United States)

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196ss  5y ago

Automotor und Sport Sweden 1/2009:
0-60 kph 2,1 s
0-80 kph 3,0 s
0-100 kph 3,7 s
0-120 kph 4,3 s
0-140 kph 5,5 s
0-160 kph 6,5 s
0-180 kph 7,9 s
0-200 kph 9,3 s
0-220 kph 11,0 s
0-240 kph 13,7 s
0-260 kph 16,2 s
0-300 kph 24,9 s
1/4 mile: 11.2 s 224 kph
Mantorp laptime:1:27,5 Driver:Robin Rudholm

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hostboy  5y ago

That 1/4-mile time has BS written all over it...

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Inline 6 rules  9y ago

Please delete the 1/4 mile time!

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hostboy  9y ago

I actually found a direct link to the scans good gamer was referring to!

0-100 kph: 3.7 sec
0-200 kph: 9.3 sec
0-300 kph: 24.9 sec

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hostboy  9y ago

Read the Swedish AMS numbers below (please)

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BR2+  9y ago

Ill add it when im able too....Eventually...-_-

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good gamer  9y ago

@FL or any other contributers.Can anyone here add Mantorp lap time for CCR and please correct the CCR's 1/4 mile time.9s is too fast to be believeable,11.2s seems more accurate as in the test.Scans are available in the link.

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good gamer  9y ago

Why doesn't anyone add Mantorp track lap for CCR.When I showed the scans.
Issue 1/2009 Automotor und Sport Sweden
Lap time:1:27.5 Driver:Robin Rudholm
Performance Figures(kph)
0-80 3s
0-100 3.7s
0-120 4.3s
0-140 5.5s
0-160 6.6s
0-180 7.9s
0-200 9.3s
0-220 11s
0-240 13.7s
0-260 16.2s
0-300 24.9s
Quartermile time 11.2s

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uptownfunker  10y ago

What the hell! Did I actually automatically approve the change to the quartermile trap speed?! (How could I...I'm not a moderator!) Lol At first it was 133 mph. While the ET isn't changed, of course.

EDIT: When I was on the Ford GT, I saw the 11.3 standing on the CCR behind the FGT, and I noticed it said 11.3 @ 146.

EDIT EDIT: This site still says 135 mph in the 1/4 mile:

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uptownfunker  10y ago

I think by "9 seconds," Koenigsegg is meaning about 9.9 seconds. Lmao

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abcdeghi  10y ago

they have claimed it but have they tested it?it won't do it in 3.2s fastest i have seen was 3.9s(every other record runs have video).
if you have video then give me the link.
and once again name any koenigsegg which reached claimed topspeed.they overestimate their cars way over the limit.
car claimed speed actual
agera r 273mph 260mph
ccx 250 245
ccr 245 241
every other super car manufacturer at least has claimed performance

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uptownfunker  10y ago

Even AutoBild claims 3.2 to 62 mph (100 kph) and a 395 kph top speed:

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BR2+  10y ago

Your a fool if you think this does 9 flat. With a "real" pro and perfect conditions it could "Dip" into the 9s, But its not doing a 9 flat, I have seen what a CC 8S can do on a strip in person, But this aint getting that claimed time, Its just retarded they would even claim that.

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abcdeghi  10y ago

the 395km/h was the claimed real life it is observed to reach 388km/h during topspeed run

Photo of Koenigsegg CCR

Photo of Koenigsegg CCR

Photo of Koenigsegg CCR