Image of Lotus 2-Eleven

Lotus 2-Eleven specs

Price in Britain £40,945
Car type Open-wheeler
Curb weight 776 kg (1711 lbs)
Introduced 2007
Origin country United Kingdom
Views 50.6k


0 - 100 kph4.3 s
0 - 200 kph16.6 s
1000 m23.9 s @ 211.0 kph
30 - 70 mph (4)6.6 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph12.3 s
30 - 70 mph3.7 s
0 - 30 mph1.7 s
0 - 40 mph2.4 s
0 - 50 mph3.2 s
0 - 60 mph4.0 s
0 - 70 mph5.4 s
0 - 80 mph6.6 s
0 - 90 mph8.1 s
0 - 100 mph9.6 s
0 - 110 mph12.2 s
0 - 120 mph16.3 s
0 - 130 mph22.2 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.8 s @ 96.3 mph
1/4 mile12.6 s
Lotus 2-Eleven acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed241 kph (150 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 016.1 s
Est. max acceleration0.72 g (7 m/s²)
30 mph - 08 m (27 ft)
50 mph - 022 m (73 ft)
70 mph - 043 m (142 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4 cyl charger
Displacement 1.8 l (110 ci)
Power 256 ps (252 bhp / 188 kw)
Torque 242 Nm (178 lb-ft)
Power / liter 142 ps (140 hp)
Power / weight 329 ps (325 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 312 Nm (230 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6-speed
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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saxy  10y ago

The new one just set a new Hockenheim short record.

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Shaggy  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: No surprise there.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

Lotus powered by Toyota!

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Ferrari driver  14y ago

i love this car because its a street legal racing car.
and its very cheap.

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bob  16y ago

Look at what lotus have been doing! This car is designed to give rich guy\'s the F1 experience. Your\'s for 650 thousand pounds.

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AdamK  16y ago

0-60 in 3.8 sec or 4.2 sec..........who cares! People who bang on about the validity of the 0-60 stat with cars like this are missing the point and don\'t have a clue, they obviously haven\'t driven one. The 2-eleven is one of the most exciting cars on sale, they\'re brilliant.

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Anonymous  16y ago

lotus offical specs 0-100kmh in 3.9sec and 0-160kmh in 8.9 sec

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Anonymous  17y ago


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Anonymous  17y ago

could this run the ring in under 8mins?

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Anonymous  17y ago

how much?

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rbdett  18y ago

i was lucky enough to go in one of these with a track veteren round the nurburgring i can honestly say that these machines are the real thing the amount of G's this car generates through the bends is unreal i had to hold my helmet down mostly all the way round mind you it finished within 8mins we flew through everything moved out of his way check out the picture of me shaking his hand afterwards
fairplay to alex for showing me the racing line . pure track tool and i thought i was fast round the nurbo with my mates ATOM3 ......

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Anonymous  18y ago

The Autocar test for the 2-eleven was in the wet...

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FastestLaps  18y ago

It might have a long first gear ratio for better acceleration when it most matters on track.

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Anonymous  18y ago

does anyone believe after that Anglesey time that this does 0-60 in anything more than 3.8 seconds

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Wads  18y ago

Cheers I'll book a test but will probably use a dealer out of the city as there not much fun to be had sat in traffic. I traded in a 987 Boxster S last September for a Ford Focus ST which is now mildly tuned with a remap to 271bhp and 330ftlb.... that is being replaced by a new M3 Covertible in September.

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Norfolk lad  18y ago

you don't need me to do it just go on to

It simple I think the nearest dealer to you is just a few streets away from marble arch tube station. Btw what car do u drive ATM

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Wads  18y ago

Norfolk Lad..... I'm based in London but would be keen to test the 2-11.... if you can arrange it I'll een do a full write up/review for Fastestlaps

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Norfolk lad  18y ago

ok - I work for lotus. I drive this car daily and I can tell you you are wrong full stop. I'm not going to bother argueing the point but we don't lie in our claims. If you are still unconvinced come and test drive one you will be amazed

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Vavavoom  18y ago

m8 this is not going to be equal to a carrera gt or lp640 or a turbo with your stat claims lotus' are way more believable

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Anonymous  18y ago

I have driven this round the nurburgring and tbh im not the worlds best driver so i wont post a time on here but i will tell u it does do 0-60 a damn sight quicker than u say easily under 4 and come on 4.8 seconds that's rubbish how could it be its similar to an exige which hits sixty in 4.1 and weighs less than a tonne the 2-11 weighs a good 200kg less and has more power so slower than an exige? You have issues. and there is no arguement saying lotus lie with all their claims as the exige is a proven car

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Georg  18y ago
the Autocar UK contest

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Georg  18y ago

btw.. autocarUK reached nearly the same result 0-160km/h(160mph) as sportauto.. in the 2007 0-100-0mph contest the 2-Eleven reached 11.04s (I add this time) only 0.26s quicker as sportauto but still a 2.14s slower as the 8.9s Lotus claim.

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Georg  18y ago

if someone wonders...

sportauto real clocked the car perfromance and data...
nothing they meansured fit with factory claim!
The empty 2-Eleven with filled up tank was scaled by sportauto with 776kg (1707lbs.) not 670kg (1470lbs) the weight balance is not 38/62% like Lotus claims it is in real 34.9/65.1% ..sportauto never got the car somewere near the factory claimed 4.0 0-100km/h not to talk about the compeltely unrealistic 0-160km/h 8.9s claim.. sportauto reached 11.3s over a second slower. The car sportauto tested was a UK registered 2-Eleven with the licens plate AUO7 GFY.

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Anonymous  19y ago

0-160 is 8.9seconds -

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Wads  19y ago

Evo issue 109 page 162

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FastestLaps  19y ago

Please add page number and issue date to magazine name when you next time add alp times from EVO. "EVO" is not a proper reference. "EVO, October 2007, page 12" is.

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FastestLaps  19y ago

"May friend did it" is not a reference. You have to provide us with some kind of decent proof that he really did it. Perhaps your friend is journalist from some car magazine and they have an article where they mention this lap time.

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FastestLaps  19y ago

Really looking forward to fetch any lap times for this car. It's a really cool track day car, however, it's also quite pricey.