Image of Porsche 911 GT3 RS

Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997) specs

Price in Europe €133,012 - €146,109
Price in US $123,200 - $143,955
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1375-1449 kg (3031-3194 lbs)
Dimensions 4.43 m (174 in) long, 1.85 m (73 in) wide, 1.28 m (50 in) high
Wheelbase 2.35 m (93 in)
Years built 2006 - 2009
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 29.1-13.1 l/100 km (8-18 mpg US / 10-22 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 352 g/km
Views 83.5k

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.4 s
0 - 60 kph2.2 s
0 - 80 kph3.0 s
0 - 100 kph4.2 s
0 - 120 kph5.6 s
0 - 140 kph7.5 s
0 - 160 kph9.2 s
0 - 180 kph11.1 s
0 - 200 kph13.2 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.4 s
0 - 40 mph1.9 s
0 - 50 mph2.6 s
0 - 60 mph3.9 s
0 - 70 mph4.8 s
0 - 80 mph5.8 s
0 - 90 mph7.7 s
0 - 100 mph8.8 s
0 - 110 mph10.7 s
0 - 120 mph13.2 s
0 - 150 mph22.2 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.6 s @ 99.4 mph
1/4 mile12.0 s
Porsche 911 GT3 RS acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed310 kph (193 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 012.6 s @ 886 ft
Est. max acceleration0.72 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom73.2 kph (45.5 mph)
36m slalom141.0 kph (87.6 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.02 g (10 m/s²)
Downforce @ 200 kph8 kg (18 lbs)
Downforce @ 300 kph55 kg (121 lbs)
Noise @ idle58 dB
Noise @ 50 mph76 dB
Noise @ 70 mph78 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type B6, 24 valve
Displacement 3.6 l (220 ci)
Power 415 ps (409 bhp / 305 kw) @ 7600 rpm
Torque 405 Nm (299 lb-ft) @ 5500 rpm
Power / liter 115 ps (114 hp)
Power / weight 293 ps (289 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 286 Nm (211 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 20 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 15 ps
Transmission 6 speed manual
Layout rear engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

100 kph - 035 m (114 ft)
200 kph - 0135 m (444 ft)
60 mph - 035 m (115 ft)
70 mph - 045 m (149 ft)

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)5.1 s
80 - 120 kph (5)6.6 s
80 - 120 kph (6)8.1 s
80 - 160 kph (4)9.8 s
80 - 160 kph (5)13.4 s
80 - 160 kph (6)16.6 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph3.4 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph9.3 s
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jeremyclarkson1  1m ago


@FastestLaps please change the main picture to this

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koenigseggjesko  5m ago

@FastestLaps please change the main picture to this


when you look at a car the first thing you want to see is the front.

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GriN  6m ago


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ProDriveP2  11y ago

I wish all cars with DOT track tires could be posted.

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porsche guy  12y ago

0-40 kph : 1.8 seconds
0-50 kph : 2.1 seconds
0-80 kph : 3 seconds
0-130 kph : 6.9 seconds
0-180 kph : 10.7 seconds
0-200 kph : 13.1 seconds
0-250 kph : 25 seconds
0-300 kph : 47.9 seconds

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E  16y ago

admittedly i can be quite ignorant sometimes, so i suppose this post is a message to everyone on I am sorry. I know, i always say american cars are superior to european ones, but in truth it is probabaly more even.

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Adam  16y ago

lol that shut him up.

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Mick Clarke  16y ago

To be honest my expectations were low for someone such as yourself.

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E  16y ago

You expected me to call?

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Mick Clarke  16y ago

No E, i do not work for porsche. I currently work at HKS, but we were pulled in for sparkplugs and Exhaust management. Although i myself did not make these parts, my team helped to develop them. No, i do not have any sources, and i understand that you need them, i was just saying that this site is highly innacurate.

By the way E, well done for avoiding calling me.

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ky  16y ago

Have a nice day!

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Apathy  16y ago

What's so difficult to understand?

Only figures that can be backed by a reputable source are accepted.

Get over it.

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ky  16y ago

Keep it going guys--there's nothing like a good fight!
By the way, someone told me Road & Track do rolling 0-60 tests. Maybe this method would produce the definitive answer. How the hell they do that--God knows. I hear he also did some work on this engine.lols

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E  16y ago

Well, no offense, but coming in and demanding a time change while only claiming you worked on the car isn't a good way to convince someone. You saying you designed something doesn't mean you designed it; and your designing said thing doesn't mean that whatever you say about it is true.

If you were/are an engineer, I'd expect you to know this.

I assume your "proven wrong" is about you being employed at Porsche or something. It doesn't let you get around needing a reference for the performance you're claiming.

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Mick Clarke  16y ago

Perhaps that's what you think, but from your most recent message, i understand that you seem to think i am ignorant. Please call me and discuss this if you wish: 4134970033.
I understand if you are scared to be proven wrong, or cannot afford a phone.

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E  16y ago

Well, the only times accepted are those that can be backed up by sources. It says 4.2 seconds because someone took 4.2 seconds to accelerate the car. If you want to change that all you need is a source. My original response to your post was an exaggerated attempt to show that your post had no reliable evidence to warrant changing the time, though it seems to have failed in getting its intended message across.

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itchypants  16y ago

Isn't this car more powerful?

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Mick Clarke  16y ago

Of course there are no "correct" acceleration times to a specific decimal place. Weather, driver, the amount of fuel on board, there are many variables that affect the performance of a car. However, the time must be fairly accurate, otherwise this site becomes pointless.

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E  16y ago

What the mag tests, dyno tests, whatever say, is what's in the stats section. Where do you think the stats come from?

Certainly someone who designs some component of the car will know that there is never a "correct" acceleration or lap time. And they should know how to source something. If all of these mag tests and dyno tests out there have better info, by all means bring them.

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lolpartydiekenny  16y ago

lol. suck it E.

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franko321boom  16y ago

okay e, take your meds. why is there always one guy on every site who thinks thy are better than everyone else? We dont know that what clarke said was true by him, but by dyno tests, official stats, and magazine tests. oh, and im suuuuure you invented every car in the world you dumbass.

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E  16y ago

Very convincing sources, I'm sure you will persuade us all.

BTW, I invented every car in the world, and checked them all. The site is correct. I said so, so I'm right.

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Mick Clarke  16y ago

ummmm... 444bhp me thinks. in fact me knows. i helped to develop the engine. this website knows nothing. seriously. i mean, enzo 0-60 ( 100kmh) in 3.6??? try 3.1, or 3.3 MFR estimate. ford gt is all wrong, there is no 2010 gt500, just the convertible, GTR? wrong. LP670? wrong. all the aston martins? wrong.

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supercharger  17y ago

I would estimate the 997 gt3 rs to get 1.21.0 at the top gear track and estimate the standard 997 gt3 to get 1.21.1 and i would estimate the new standard 997 gt3 to get 1.20.8 considering a 996 gt3 rs doess 1.22.3

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supercharger  17y ago

alot of people how test cars get different test resaults.

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Anonymous  18y ago

the GT3 does NOT get to 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds. its 3.8 seconds to 60.

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Adam  18y ago

the gt3 rs corner's faster then alot of expesive sport's car's but i am very impressed bye the fact that it get's to 60mph in 3.5sec that's faster than a 911 turbo infact however got the gt3 rs to 60mph in only 3.5sec must be very good.why would you want a 911 carrera it's practical for evry day use and has 4 seat's and is fairly fast but know where near as fast as a gt3 and a gt3 is much more fun to drive in.the gt3 rs is pretty mutch a road legal race car that destroy's any corner at an insane speed.

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Anonymous  18y ago

dude alot of people have tested the cgt and the got 3.5 so..

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Richerd Walker  18y ago

this 911 997 gt3 rs would probably corner faster than a carrera gt because the 911 997 gt3 rs wieghs only wieghs 3025lbs and is designed for fast cornering on test tracks with sharp corners.Although the 911 997 gt3 rs would not be any where near as fast as a carrera gt on striaghts because the 911 997 gt3 rs only has 415hp and and 300ft of torque the 911 997 gt3 rs only has a flat 6 if some one tested this 911 997 gt3 rs in acceleration i would guess around the late 4secs.the carrera gt is a 5.7LV10 engine with a tremendous 604hp and 435FT of torque if some one tested the carrera gt acceleration they could get to 60mph in the low 3secs.

Photo of Porsche 911 GT3 RS 997

Photo of Porsche 911 GT3 RS 997

Photo of Porsche 911 GT3 RS 997

Photo of Porsche 911 GT3 RS 997