Image of Toyota Camry V6

Toyota Camry V6 specs

Price in US $24,895 - $29,638
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1596-1604 kg (3519-3536 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country Japan
Views 46.5k

Lap times


0 - 100 kph6.5 s
0 - 200 kph31.0 s
Est. 1000 m28.9 s @ 196.0 kph
Est. 100 - 200 kph24.5 s
45 - 65 mph3.0 s
0 - 30 mph2.2 s
0 - 40 mph3.2 s
0 - 50 mph4.6 s
0 - 60 mph6.1 s
0 - 70 mph7.9 s
0 - 80 mph9.9 s
0 - 90 mph12.3 s
0 - 100 mph14.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.4 s @ 82.0 mph
1/4 mile14.3 s
Est. 1/2 mile25.2 s @ 117.4 mph
Top speed234 kph (145 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.49 g (5 m/s²)
Lateral acceleration0.80 g (8 m/s²)
60 mph - 037 m (120 ft)
Toyota Camry V6 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6
Displacement 3.5 l (214 ci)
Power 272 ps (268 bhp / 200 kw)
Torque 336 Nm (248 lb-ft)
Power / liter 78 ps (77 hp)
Power / weight 170 ps (168 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 210 Nm (155 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6-Speed Auto
Layout front engine, front wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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wallenieswiftie  6m ago



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Daveinacave556  3y ago

I own a lexus es 350 07 and can say that doing up the motor with intake,tune,wheels,and exhaust gives it great improvements I got 300 hp from doing this and definitely not a joke a great toyota made engine and also tranny is definitely much better than the maxima your thinking of fairytales if anything else.

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Psykoklown  7y ago

I just raced one of these in my heavily moded p71, the Camry was a turtle off the line but once it got into it's powerband it beat me by a car length.... So yeah v6 Camry is badass AF lol I believe with some drag slicks these cars can run at least a 13.7 no joke. I'll never f**k with one of those again. -at least not until I stroke my 281cui to a 323cui lol

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saxy  11y ago

it's a good car for A to B transportation of a family. That's about it.

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BR2+  11y ago

All true,....But wtf buys a Camry for performance?

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Shaggy  11y ago

The Camry is the best selling mid size sedan in America, probably the world. I know a lot of people who own Toyota Camrys. And I have a lot of respect for them, they're fuel efficient, powerful, nimble, affordable, quick, dependable as they come, and tough as hell.

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BR2+  11y ago

...Because we dont own a Camry...............Okay...

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Rogergonzales  11y ago

Let me guess all the hate towards the camry Is bc you all don't own one! The maxima lol I've beaten the 290 hp maxima and the standard 350z and in saying that I might have beaten them by a third of my car but, when it comes down to it "to each their own" you all are just hating. The camry is lighter n has better design in drag! #whocaresaboutnissan

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KDog  12y ago

I love my v6 camry ...its quick . I have taken down boosted civics honda v6 coupe. good enough for my family car :-)

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Shaggy  12y ago

I like Camrys, they're really underrated, great cars in my book. BTW: The horsepower is still 268.

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BR2+  12y ago

...Who Swings On The Nuts of Camrys? lol

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DRJ  12y ago

The 275 hp V6 Camry honks folks-seems like 300 hp because of the spot on tranny! 101mph in the 1/4 mile is faster than most of the muscle cars of yester year! Get's 30 mpg at 75 mph too and has a bullet proof engine. Can't say that about many. CVT^ trannys are junk.

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monkeypop  13y ago

Even with the crappy CVT trans in the Maxima it will still slaughter the camry. 0-60 for the Maxima is well under 6 seconds.

Whats hilarious about the maxima is the "4 door sports car" logo on the back glass. With the CVT it feels like anything other than a sports car. Nissan refusing to offer a manual or even a decent auto along with the insane price hike is what made me buy a different sedan after owning 2 previous generation maximas. My 4th gen maxima cost me $20k brand new in 2000.. a new 2013 would cost twice that much with similar options. There are MUCH faster cars in that price range.

All the flaws aside its still really impressive the power and acceleration typical sedans put down now. I would have freaked if I was a teenager and I got in my grannys sedan and it went 0-60 in under 6 seconds!

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BR2+  13y ago

Don't see why it cant be added.

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That07camry  13y ago


There yah go folks. 13.9@99 and this is my car so don't say it's fake

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Shaggy  13y ago

The new Maximas have the 2 speed CVT automatic transmission, which are crap, I think a Toyota Camry V6 with its 6 speed automatic transmission would have a very good chance against a Nissan Maxima.

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Scott  13y ago

Camry will smash the 290hp maxima? Not at all! The maxima is quicker, but not by much. A camry will beat a 3.6L V6 camaro though.

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Geoff  13y ago

2007 v6 Aurion 3.5L (v6 Camry everywhere else) 0-100 5.4 QM 13.9

K&N air filter, Exhaust work.

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Shaggy  13y ago

Amazing for such a seemingly mundane car, America's roads are crawling with these cars.

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gallardo man  14y ago


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Apathy  14y ago

You were talking about 1/4 mile times, not top speed.

And no, the R36's mid to high 13 second quarter mile @ 100mph is no where near the SRT8's low 13 to high 12 at over 107mph. The R36 would look like it was standing still in a head to head drag race.

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VW Veyron SS  14y ago

In certain countries, they have delimited versions of the Passat R36 available which might be a HAIR slower than the Charger SRT8 in the 1/4 mile, but with its 175mph GPS indicated Top Speed, it beats the Charger SRT8 on the Autobahn and even a 2002 Passat W8 Delimited will beat a 2011 Charger SRT8 delimited on the Autobahn. The passats are known for incredible top speeds for the puny horspower numbers they have.
Delimited Passat W8s do 174 mph with just 270bhp.
Can you name one other car under 300bhp that can top 170mph WITHOUT Performance enhancing mods?
Remember, the passats that are topping 170mph only have the limmiter disabled and not any power increasing mods. It's the slipper 0.27 coefficient of drag and "Autobahn Gear Ratios" that enable this top end performance with such little power.

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aaaa  15y ago

new dodge avenger r/t is estimated to go 0-60 in 6.0 secs flat

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Apathy  15y ago

Oh, nevermind. Even that figure is beaten by the Impala SS. That car has gone a best of 14.2 @ 101, and it's a FWD... well you know the rest.

Just bustin' your chops, but you should really think before you make broad statements, they are likely going to be inaccurate.

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Apathy  15y ago

Also, the new Charger RT, a "Non Luxury Family Sedan" is quicker than the Passat 3.6, Maxima, and Camry. It runs a 13.7 @ 103.

I guess you can limit it further to FWD Non Luxury Family Sedans. Damn, with all these qualifiers, you might as limit it to fastest toyota sedan. LOL

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Apathy  15y ago

The Charger SRT8 is considered a family sedan, just like the Passat r36, no excuses. I'd prefer the passat, but the Charger is clearly the quicker family sedan.

Come to think of it, why qualify them as "family sedans." They cost roughly the same and they are nearly of equal size, the Charger is simply faster.

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VW Veyron SS  15y ago

I don't know what the secret of the Camry is. I mean it's tied for the fastest NON-LUXURY Family Sedan in the US. Passat 3.6 FWD has 14.3 1/4 mile @ 100mph, and the Camry V6 has 14.3 1/4 mile at 93 mph. The Passat has 280bhp vs 268 on the Camry and weighs the same.
The Camry will SMASH the 290bhp Maxima. In Europe they have the 13.6 second Passat R36 as the fastest NON Luxury Family Sedan.
Muscle Cars like the Charger SRT8 are an entirely different category than Family Sedans.

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Inline 6 rules  16y ago

Displacement is 3.5 liters.

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MR ZR6  16y ago

Alot of people have different stat's and it all varies but in saying that The Toyota Aurion is a very powerful and reliable car and surely when stock prob wont hit 0-100km in 5.8sec but with my stock ZR6 Aurion i managed 0-100km in 6.2sec and with new intake and running on 98RON i shall hope to push it to 6sec so they are quiet fast and fun cars.

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user 1a  16y ago

It was stuipid of them to make the toyota camry the new police in a city next to mine.