Ferrari F12 Berlinetta lap time at Laguna Seca (post 1988)

Image of Ferrari F12 Berlinetta

2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta finished a flying lap of Laguna Seca (post 1988) in 1 minute and 38 seconds.

Track Laguna Seca (post 1988)
Type flying start
Vehicle Ferrari F12 Berlinetta
Power / weight 740 ps / 1746 kg
Driver Randy Pobst
Time 1:38.039
Average speed 132 kph (82 mph)
Submitted 12 years ago by anonymous
Views 7.4k


Ferrari F401:38.00-0.0
Jaguar XJ2201:38.00-0.0
Gallardo LP560-4 Sp..1:38.00-0.0
Audi R8 V10 5.2 FSI1:38.00-0.0
F12 Berlinetta1:38.04
DBS Superleggera1:38.27+0.2
Corvette Stingray1:38.28+0.2
Aston Martin Vantage1:38.42+0.4
Ford Mustang GT PP21:38.42+0.4
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saxy  12y ago

So apparently, the car was losing power with each lap. Not sure why.

The car was claimed to be tested nonstop over the 3 days, which probably took the toll on the car

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lafars  12y ago

as for the tyre excuse, tyres are one of the biggest factors for grip

in a magazine i've read (autofil) had an article about michelin testing their tyres, the cars they were using was an audi R8 V10 and a BMW M3, on the straights the audi was faster but in the corners the M3 would have a higher speed because it was fitted with grippier tyres

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BR2+  12y ago

It could be a few reasons.

1: Driver
2: Test Car Condition
3: Not enuff time with the car
4: Biased
5: Real Performance
6: Traction Issues
7: Too heavy
8: Track Layout
9: Track Conditions

Dunno, but I know the car is capable of much more. One could even argue its on SLS AMG BlackSeries level...


tyres can be changed, but so can brakes and suspension, Everything is an excuse when something they don't want loses, Weight, Power, Price, Aero, And even if those things were on the level with each other in any car, something else is bound to come up. But Every comparison you do its always "Tyres". And I don't think tyres on a car that 3x the price and 200Bhp down is an excuse, Or the latter. We have to just take it for what it is, NO car uses the same everything, so something is gonna be different and work differently.

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lafars  12y ago

my theories to why the lap is so slow compared to the power:
-weight (inertia)
-do the aerobridges push some air down into the ground? (giving lift instead)

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BR2+  12y ago


It wouldn't matter if everything was the same, they would still pull that Biased card, There isn't many if any cars that are exactly the same, Hp, weight, Aero, Price, tyres, suspension, brakes etc, And It they wre, they would attack the drivers next, then the country of origin of the car, then the countrys program, the list goes on.

You know this as well as I do, EVER since a C6 was fitted with the same tyres, or similar tyres as its competition people do NOTHING but bitch, but BEFORE that, what did you hear?...NOTHING, people didn't say oh that GT2/GT3 wears that, Scuderia wears that, LP560 blah blah blah etc etc, Know everytime your on YT, the SAME SHite pops up in butthurt people comments, we ALL Know tyres can improve performance, this isn't new, And once they get tyres off, they go afster there country, or claim your from where ever based on you likes(As proven here)

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Mental  12y ago

Yeah, I know, ignorant people would still find excuses, even if both cars were tested in the same conditions.

That's why I want every aspect (conditions, driver, tires, neutral territory) to be equal. So enthusiasts could be given the right verdict... Biased people would still call the opponent biased, despite the truth.

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lamboboy  12y ago

@BR2 Only the tires one is a reasonable excuse since they can be easily changed and they can affect the cars performance and are not an integral part of the car like the transmission or the turbos or the AWD are.

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saxy  12y ago

lol @ Man1 you keep saying the F12 is "reputed faster than 458".

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BR2+  12y ago


There have been many same tests, Drivers, conditions etc.

But then somebody says(As Usual) Oh the tyres, Put that on the other car blah blah blah, Then they don't want to have equality for the other car, like tranny, weight, you could even factor in price, then once that's done, they say biased, oh the Germans biased, oh the Americans are biased, Oh the Italians are biased. Then once that's covered they say the driver cant drive the car, after that.

After that they start saying, Oh that cars turbocharged, give the natuarla car a turbo and more litres then race again...after that, Oh that ones 4wd, then that ones x2 the price, then they start going after.

..I think I about covered everything in the average VS's comparison..

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Mental  12y ago

"And if your gonna considering a US car for being bogus in a US test, then you HAVE to consider a European car test in Europe bogus as well"

Oh, why simply not to test both cars at the same conditions, wearing same tires, being driven by the same pro somewhere in New Zealand? And everyone gonna be happy...

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Luque  12y ago

Since 2002 (first launch control procedure of the Enzo Ferrari) In each Ferrari LC the front (extension valve)and rear dampers (compression valve) are softened to facilitate weight transfer to the rear at the start.

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Viking  12y ago

@ddd okay I finally read the article. I think the Ferrari F12 used had too much rear stiffness for a car with a 47/53 percent weight distribution. Corvettes squat in the rear on hard launches, and allow more dynamic weight transfer to the rear. If the rear springs, and dampers were softened the F12 should be able to put the power down better. An even better solution however would be to put the engine behind the driver (rear mid-engine configuration), and thus have something like a 42/58 percent front to rear weight distribution. Obviously the spring/damper switch would be more cost effective though, and could show up as a running change during production. :)

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BR2+  12y ago

In this case yes, hilarity always ensues, its human nature, cant really be helped to laugh at something that's funny. But Hes usually a no nonsense serious type on here, But his accusation on my heritage based on my love of a certain car type is HILARIOUS, I honestly think I have atleast 5 more Funny Bones know.



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Shaggy  12y ago

@ BR2+: LOL, you are right, I usually find them annoying, but sometimes they're hilarious, when they say or do something to make complete fools of themselves. :D

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ddd  12y ago

@Viking hehe :)

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Viking  12y ago

@ddd not yet, I have only seen the video. I will read the article. It is certainly possible that the Ferrari F12 that Randy had may have some problems. I will read the article tomorrow, it is too late now here in California. :)

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ddd  12y ago

@Viking have you read the article ? That F12 had some problems with traction (even above 100km/h) and with brakes. Normal F12 has very good traction and very good brakes..F12 that was tested by MT had some defects.

So powerfull car with traction and brakes problem cant do good Laguna Seca lap time.

Give to Randy a normal F12 and we will see...

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BR2+  12y ago

lol I love how people complain about the driver, when there not in the cockpit lol Looking is one thing, doing is another. You could always go to there youtube page, or email them about the lap, I hear they reply rather fast when regarding an email.

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Testafr  12y ago

I'm sorry but this list of lap time r ridiculous! In Europe (where we build the best car in the world) a ferrari 458 is already faster than mp4-12c, a Lexus LFA fastes than a gt3?! WTF?!
I could go on to enunciate the stupidity of the lap, the Ferrari F12 is much faster than that, you still have the guts to get it out to make the most ... In the video driver does not drive really hard, it turns out very slowly, it is really easy to do much better!