Image of Duesenberg SJ Walker LaGrande Torpedo Phaeton

Duesenberg SJ Walker LaGrande Torpedo Phaeton specs

Car type Convertible
Curb weight 2400 kg (5291 lbs)
Wheelbase 3.90 m (154 in)
Introduced 1935
Origin country United States
Views 3.7k
Submitted by Fangio Man

Powertrain specs

Engine type SJ Straight 8 4 valves / cylinder, DOHC
Displacement 6.9 l (420 ci / 6876 cc)
Power 324 ps (320 bhp / 239 kw) @ 4200 rpm
Power / liter 47 ps (47 hp)
Power / weight 135 ps (133 bhp) / t
Transmission Warner Gear 3 speed Manual
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Super8  12y ago

The torque is 426 ft-lbs.

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Super8  12y ago

@ Fangio Man: Nice job. I really like this. They're like holy grail these day.

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Super8  12y ago

They were Hyper cars of 1930's. Much like Veyron and other contender in 2005-present

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Shaggy  12y ago

Because they're street legal production automobiles and they conform to the site rules, also because they're fantastic cars.

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Hayes  12y ago

@fangio man
Why add these if they are really unlikely to have a lap time?

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Fangio Man  12y ago

Sorry, this and the other "Duesenberg" I have added are "Dusenbergs".

Could you correct the names, please?