Image of Mercedes-Benz 500K Autobahnkurier

Mercedes-Benz 500K Autobahnkurier (W29) specs

Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1346 kg (2967 lbs)
Wheelbase 2.98 m (117 in)
Introduced 1934
Origin country Germany
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Submitted by Super8

General performance

Top speed160 kph (99 mph)

Powertrain specs

Engine type 8 Cylinder Straight
Displacement 5.0 l (305 ci)
Power 162 ps (160 bhp / 119 kw)
Power / liter 32 ps (32 hp)
Power / weight 121 ps (119 bhp) / t
Transmission 4 Speed
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive
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Alex  4y ago

The funny thing is, the only surviving car in the world is in Iran!!! Imagine mullahs driving it????????????????

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Fangio Man: Or he at least would have been chased by a villain driving this car. BTW, the Cadillac V16 would be fitting.

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Fangio Man  13y ago

If the James Bond-films were older and from Germany...
He would had driven this car!

If James Bond-fims were older and from the US...
He would had driven the Cadillac V16 Hartmann Cabriolet!

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Shaggy  13y ago

I see something that looks like the barrel of a shotgun just behind the front windshield pillar and what looks like the front end of a bazooka. Wow, the German mafia has some firepower! LOL :D

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Fangio Man  13y ago

If you look close you can see a machine gun and a flame thrower... :D

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Shaggy  13y ago

It does look like a gangster car, I like gangster cars, they look awesome and they're fast. This 500K was fast for its day. If you drive this, people in front of you will move out of the way. :D

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Fangio Man  13y ago

German Mafia cruiser. 8>

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Shaggy  13y ago

@ Fangio Man: It really does, I like it! Mwahahahahahahahaaaa! >8D

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Fangio Man  13y ago

Looks evil!

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Super8  15y ago

I really like this car