Image of Ferrari F40

Ferrari F40 specs

Price in US $471,375
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1099-1369 kg (2423-3018 lbs)
Dimensions 4.43 m (174 in) long, 1.99 m (78 in) wide, 1.13 m (44 in) high
Wheelbase 2.45 m (96 in)
Introduced 1987
Origin country Italy
Gas mileage 32.0-8.6 l/100 km (7-27 mpg US / 9-33 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 250 g/km
Views 137.3k


0 - 40 kph1.5 s
0 - 50 kph2.0 s
0 - 60 kph2.2 s
0 - 70 kph3.0 s
0 - 80 kph2.9 s
0 - 100 kph4.0 s
0 - 120 kph5.5 s
0 - 140 kph6.5 s
0 - 150 kph7.2 s
0 - 160 kph8.0 s
0 - 180 kph9.3 s
0 - 200 kph10.4 s
0 - 220 kph13.8 s
0 - 240 kph16.4 s
0 - 250 kph17.8 s
0 - 260 kph20.1 s
0 - 300 kph31.0 s
100 m5.4 s @ 119.2 kph
1000 m20.2 s @ 265.0 kph
0 - 30 mph1.6 s
0 - 40 mph2.2 s
0 - 50 mph2.8 s
0 - 60 mph3.8 s
0 - 70 mph4.6 s
0 - 80 mph5.4 s
0 - 90 mph6.7 s
0 - 100 mph7.7 s
0 - 110 mph9.5 s
0 - 120 mph11.0 s
0 - 130 mph13.5 s
0 - 140 mph15.6 s
0 - 150 mph16.2 s
0 - 160 mph21.3 s
0 - 170 mph26.3 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.4 s @ 102.5 mph
1/4 mile11.7 s @ 126.5 mph
Est. 1/2 mile19.0 s @ 159.7 mph
Est. 1 mile29.7 s @ 184.5 mph
Top speed327 kph (203 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 013.8 s
Est. max acceleration0.68 g (7 m/s²)
Lateral acceleration1.01 g (10 m/s²)
Ferrari F40 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type twin turbo V8, 32 valves
Displacement 2.9 l (179 ci / 2936 cc)
Power 478 ps (471 bhp / 352 kw) @ 7000 rpm
Tested power 504 ps (497 bhp)  @ 7000 rpm
Torque 575 Nm (424 lb-ft) @ 4000 rpm
Power / liter 163 ps (161 hp)
Power / weight 374 ps (369 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 27 PS per l/100 km
Transmission 5 speed manual
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

60 kph - 013 m (44 ft)
100 kph - 037 m (122 ft)
120 kph - 054 m (176 ft)
140 kph - 073 m (240 ft)
160 kph - 096 m (313 ft)
180 kph - 0120 m (394 ft)
200 kph - 0149 m (490 ft)
60 mph - 036 m (119 ft)
70 mph - 066 m (218 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)6.3 s
80 - 120 kph (5)8.5 s
80 - 160 kph (5)16.1 s
70 - 100 kph8.2 s
70 - 120 kph12.6 s
70 - 140 kph16.1 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.2 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph7.0 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph19.6 s

Interior noise

Noise @ idle65 dB
Noise @ 100 kph81 dB
Noise @ 130 kph84 dB
Noise @ 160 kph90 dB
Noise @ 180 kph92 dB
Noise @ 50 mph82 dB
Noise @ 70 mph84 dB
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Cauf40f50  2m ago

@humana are Imsa/ BPR GT racing cars allowed to be added or not?

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dr. cosimo  2m ago


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RacingLoverSRT  2m ago


Dyno test

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cosimo  2m ago


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Ferrarif40  3m ago

I am wondering about that chassis sticker. Says 4 weights 830 kg but has 2 1430kg.

It has chassis code numbers of Ferrari so I am wondering this maybe a legit F40 Ferrari.

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196ss  3m ago

Please add tested power 504@7000
Source - Auto Pur 01/94



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Crispi74  1d ago

Recently I have spent lot of time looking at how the Weber Marelli IAW overboost it works, and looking at Sierras, Escorts, Deltas, it opens a world.
Basically we can say that singularily the system may have small variances that determine non-negligible differences. The inputs are numerous, and this does affect the RPM range. Who really is inside these things know that torque affect acceleration performance more than how it could be explained in terms of power so I mean that just a single valve that open earlier just a little more boost than an other make a difference in terms of chrono.
In the case of the F40 we all knows that boost was setted to a fixed value of 1,1 bar with officially an overboosting phase of 0,4 bar, but cars tested around the world basically explain that value could be more or less variable by how the Ecu system, Wastegate valve and Pierburg valve works all togheter. I remember that Quattroruote cleimed they found 1,3 bar max on the gauge, Auto did 1,4, while R&T found 1,7 bar when overboosting their max value.
Who knows the F40 from close also know its engine carburation tendence to run lean after use, so, also variance on the air/fuel mixture running on that specific moment may be affect engine performance too. It's evident it run rean because of the amount of boost.
That said, looking at how this argument may vary performance on Sierras, Escorts or Deltas too, I'm not surprise to see fast numbers published sometimes by magazines on these cars running Weber Marelli Ecu systems even excludung who knows what amount of power!
For the same partially reason and that for example, there are Delta Integrale 8Vs tested faster than 16Vs that cannot be explained if not due to how the engine deliver the power, or the examples like Escort Cosworths running 0-200 kph almost close to be the double time than other Escort tested.

Just few examples:
Automobilismo Escort 0-195 kph 26.2s (dynoed 222 PS)
Quattroruote Escort 0-200 kph 26.0s
AMS Escort 0-200 kph 40.0s
SportAuto Wolf Escort 0-200 kph 23.0s (claims 305 PS)

If it wasn't a fact of how was effective the overboost on a 222 PS Escort dynoed and tested by Automobilismo magazine, we never soppose to be possible if the Wolf didn't that much faster.
At facts the Escort delivered 222 PS on the dyno, but it produced enough mid range torque (maybe momentarily 250-260 PS somewhere) to make Wolf Escort closer, more than other Escort tested.
That's exactly what I mean, there are bad or favourable conditions, brand new cars or well broken in cars, and also on turbocharged examples that will produce their power better than others.

Now, take these examples on the very fast F40s like Rombo or Motor test were, on cars that may been dyno tested even close to claims, so imagine when over 500 PS cars ;-)
I wouldn't see anything wrong with that.

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wallenieswiftie  5m ago

Ferrari F40


Lap times:
20,600 meters: 9:07.99 (estimated 8:22.24 with driver mod)
20,832 meters: 9:14.11 (estimated 8:28.35 with driver mod)
232-meter rollout: 6.11 sec

Dragstrip times (launching at redline rpm):
0-100 km/h: 3.5 sec
0-160 km/h: 6.6 sec
0-200 km/h: 11.0 sec
Standing start, 0-400 meters: 11.06 sec @ 200 km/h
Short rollout, 0-400 meters: 10.71 sec
Long rollout, 0-400 meters: 10.33 sec

Acceleration times (launching from idle rpm):
0-100 km/h: 5.0 sec
0-160 km/h: 8.2 sec
0-200 km/h: 13.3 sec
0-240 km/h: 17.8 sec
0-300 km/h: 29.4 sec
Standing start, 0-400 meters: 13.03 sec @ 198 km/h
Standing start, 0-1000 meters: 21.78 sec @ 268 km/h

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wallenieswiftie  5m ago

Homemade "Ferrari F40" mod in the Automation Tycoon Game







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FastestLaps  5m ago

Fair to say it's pretty dramatic driving experience


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Crispi74  6m ago

Anyway it was said that Tipo USA F40 was rated to be around 515 hp. It seems that during the process to refine gasses engineers found some extra power. In my idea that was just partially true, because lots of EU F40s were enough powerful to be faster than US cars. I always tought that that happens because of the same process of engine production more than other choice and no matter the figure Ferrari power claimed.

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cosimo  6m ago


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cosimo  6m ago


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wallenieswiftie  6m ago

The Robocop of cars.


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TypeF171  8m ago


Ferrari F40.

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jeremyclarkson1  8m ago

So the Top Gear lap was a "Did Not Start".
@FastestLaps can I add this time?

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GriN  9m ago


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GriN  9m ago


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cosimo  10m ago


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cosimo  10m ago

fake f40


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Thiago_Lins  10m ago

Are there top speed figures achieved by the Ferrari F40 GTE in the BRP Global GT Series in 1995/1996?

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GriN  10m ago




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cosimo  11m ago



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GriN  11m ago


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GriN  11m ago


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Crispi74  1y ago

Auto Pur 1/94
Ferrari F40 road test
0-100 kph 4.0s
0-200 kph 11.0s
Dyno test: 504 PS @ 7000 rpm

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BMWX5M  1y ago

Ferrari F40


And no it isn't. The Mclaren F1 is. Bipartisan agreements over the years online and offline. OUR experience.

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Corvolet3  1y ago

Damn, link doesn't embed. Anyway carwow races the Ferrari F40 vs the Bugatti EB110

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Crispi74  2y ago

It seems that Rosenbaum's F40 (Tipo USA) was able to run 3/4 of a mile with a terminal speed of 180 mph with an engine delivering up to 650 hp.

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HBO  2y ago



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Ferrari (Z06 SUCKS BALLS)  2y ago


Liberty Walk F40