Image of Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6

Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 specs

Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 1798 kg (3964 lbs)
Introduced 2008
Origin country United States
Views 34.4k
Submitted by Georg


0 - 40 kph2.1 s
0 - 100 kph6.9 s
0 - 200 kph26.2 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph19.3 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph6.5 s
0 - 100 mph15.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile10.5 s @ 81.4 mph
1/4 mile14.5 s
Est. 1/2 mile24.4 s @ 121.2 mph
Top speed241 kph (150 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.46 g (4 m/s²)
Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6 24V n/a
Displacement 3.6 l (220 ci)
Power 311 ps (307 bhp / 229 kw) @ 6400 rpm
Torque 374 Nm (276 lb-ft) @ 5200 rpm
Power / liter 86 ps (85 hp)
Power / weight 173 ps (171 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 208 Nm (153 lb-ft) / t
Transmission 6 speed automatic
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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BR2+  12y ago

Damn near every car with that amount of Bhp is limited, Its retarded. Don't bother giving a car that much power if your only gonna limit it, If you want a car to hit 150Mph, give it the appropriate amount of power to ONLY hit that speed rather then have a limiter. Honestlt that is so goddamned stupid.

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Fangio Man  12y ago

"Is this car limited?"

This article says it is restricted at 155 mph. (No warranty, could be an other gen, too) :D

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Hayes  12y ago

307bhp 149mph.
Is this car limited?

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vorov2  14y ago

Was this the car Trinity drove in the Matrix Reloaded freeway chase scene?

Not exactly. This is the 2nd gen CTS. Trinity drove 1st gen CTS.

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Mach-1  14y ago

Was this the car Trinity drove in the Matrix Reloaded freeway chase scene?

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user 1a  16y ago

This looks like an old folks car,but it is very fast.


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CTS4 Mike  5y ago

I own this car. It's not your father's car.

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hostboy  3y ago

Any Cadillac made after 2003 isn't an old man's car with the exception of the DTS and XTS. I think you're confusing it with Buick or Lincoln. But even those two have come a long way.