Image of Chevrolet Corvette Z06

Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C7) specs

Price in Europe €109,500 - €148,500
Price in US $78,995 - $105,210
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1587-1632 kg (3499-3598 lbs)
Dimensions 4.49 m (177 in) long, 1.88 m (74 in) wide, 1.24 m (49 in) high
Wheelbase 2.71 m (107 in)
Introduced 2015
Origin country United States
Gas mileage 52.9-12.4 l/100 km (4-19 mpg US / 5-23 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 321 - 408 g/km
Views 207.1k
Submitted by Super8

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.3 s
0 - 50 kph1.4 s
0 - 60 kph1.9 s
0 - 80 kph2.3 s
0 - 100 kph3.2 s
0 - 120 kph4.5 s
0 - 130 kph4.8 s
0 - 140 kph5.7 s
0 - 150 kph7.2 s
0 - 160 kph6.7 s
0 - 180 kph8.6 s
0 - 200 kph10.2 s
0 - 250 kph20.4 s
0 - 280 kph35.3 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.3 s
0 - 40 mph1.7 s
0 - 50 mph2.3 s
0 - 60 mph3.0 s
0 - 70 mph3.8 s
0 - 80 mph4.7 s
0 - 90 mph5.6 s
0 - 100 mph6.7 s
0 - 110 mph8.1 s
0 - 120 mph9.6 s
0 - 130 mph11.9 s
0 - 140 mph14.5 s
0 - 150 mph17.1 s
0 - 160 mph22.9 s
0 - 180 mph56.6 s
Est. 1/8 mile8.0 s @ 105.0 mph
1/4 mile11.1 s @ 127.4 mph
Chevrolet Corvette Z06 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed315 kph (196 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 010.9 s @ 764 ft
Est. max acceleration0.83 g (8 m/s²)
18m slalom74.5 kph (46.3 mph)
36m slalom146.0 kph (90.7 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.19 g (12 m/s²)
Downforce @ 200 kph109 kg (240 lbs)
Noise @ 100 kph76 dB
Noise @ 130 kph79 dB
Noise @ 160 kph81 dB
Noise @ 180 kph82 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type GM LT4 6.2L Supercharged
Displacement 6.2 l (376 ci / 6162 cc)
Power 659 ps (650 bhp / 485 kw)
Tested power 641 ps (632 bhp)
Torque 881 Nm (650 lb-ft)
Tested torque 865 Nm (638 lbft)
Power / liter 107 ps (105 hp)
Power / weight 409 ps (403 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 547 Nm (403 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 33 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 26 ps
Transmission 7 Speed Manual/8 Speed Automatic Paddle Shift
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

100 kph - 029 m (94 ft)
200 kph - 0112 m (368 ft)
60 mph - 027 m (90 ft)
70 mph - 039 m (128 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)2.1 s
60 - 100 kph (5)3.7 s
60 - 120 kph (5)4.7 s
80 - 120 kph (4)2.6 s
80 - 120 kph (5)3.5 s
80 - 120 kph (6)4.9 s
80 - 120 kph (7)7.7 s
80 - 160 kph (4)5.4 s
80 - 160 kph (5)7.9 s
80 - 160 kph (6)11.5 s
80 - 160 kph (7)15.1 s
100 - 140 kph (5)4.2 s
100 - 140 kph (6)5.3 s
80 - 120 kph2.1 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.4 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph7.7 s
45 - 65 mph1.4 s
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kyurtseven7  10m ago


➡️ Lap Time: 7.09:887

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TommyGunnz07  1y ago

Top speed run.


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jeremyclarkson1  1y ago

By the way, do any of you guys know why even on the 7 Speed Manual this car still has paddles behind the steering, just curious!

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Z51717C7  2y ago

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wallenieswiftie  2y ago

The C7 Z06 was NOT slower than the C6 Z06. There's a thing called tolerance gap, and mags use it… density altitude, driver/shifting ability, weather corrections, prepped/organic, etc.

The C7 Z06 (not even ZR1—Z06!) got 10.3 at 136 mph on a dragstrip with negative altitude IIRC. Typical 1/4-mile with an automatic is 11.2 at 127, manual usually 11.5 at 124. The C6 Z06 and ZR1 both will barely do 11.5 on the street (considering the weight distribution and the gear ratios between the two), but on average a C6 Z06 does 11.8 at 122, the C6 ZR1 does 11.6 at 127. (On conventional concrete, the Z06 is about a tenth quicker to 60 in either generation than ZR1.)

For the naturally aspirated and supercharged cars, the tolerance is +/-0.5s and +/-8mph. For turbocharged and electric cars, the gap is +/-1.0s and +/-10mph.

What this means is the C7ZR comes out on top as an average 11.1@132 car (judging by C&D's semi-prepped 10.8@135 and 11.0@131 runs, plus the uncounted runs by the very many C7ZR owners). Dragstrip runs included a very best 9.7@142 for the ZR1! But look, that car was on drag radials—so I technically will not count that one. However, the tolerance is between 10.6 and 11.6 seconds at between 124 and 139 mph.

The C7 Z06 runs 11.35 at 125.5 (based on the averages of the two transmission choices), so make that a double-average. Round those up to 11.4 at 126. Tolerance is still within 0.5 seconds on either side, so 10.9 to 11.9 at 118 to 133. (One dragstrip owner got 10.3 at 136, but that was in negative altitude.) The Ferrari 458's tolerance is the same time range, with trap speeds between 119 and 135 (that INCLUDES BOTH the Italia and–due to the downforce of this one–Speciale versions). The ZR1 with a manual in hot conditions on street tarmac with long gear shifts (i.e. 500-700ms from gear to gear) will do 11.5-11.6 at 124-125 all day.

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wallenieswiftie  2y ago

The real reason why Z06s didn't always deliver the promised 650 hp:

Chevrolet offered buyers of the Z06 an opportunity to personally assemble the engine used in their cars at the Bowling Green, Kentucky assembly plant where they are built as part of a US$5,000 package beginning in March 2015.

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TypeF173  2y ago



HENNESSEY Z06 STYLE 0-298km/h!

Also OFCOURSE EVERYONE else here at FASTESTLAPS the administrative team and all my other official account colleagues!

(Sorry, no SKUNKS allowed!😂)


See you literally in 2023! Which isn't that far! Ciao.

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TypeF173  3y ago

I'd like to introduce you all to Lisa Yasmin. She's got a Corvette C7 Z06! She's German but unfortunately there's no subtitles but she is a mechanically minded young lady! I'm sure my colleagues will appreciate it!🙃


I found it as part of my ongoing N/A Z06 research! ;)

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Drags  3y ago

I would love to race one of these (from a dig) in my rs7 perf, thing is in australia we never got these so itll never happen 🥲. (Never from a roll tho bc this car traps like 7-8mph more in the 1/4 alone lol)

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hostboy  3y ago

Chevrolet Corvette C7 Z06 acceleration stats! (+25% effort from 0 to 100 km/h / 62 mph)

0-60 MPH: 3.0 seconds
0-100 km/h: 3.1 seconds
0-100 MPH: 6.2 seconds (+7% with Z07 Package)
0-200 km/h: 9.9 seconds (+7% with Z07 Package)
0-150 MPH: 14.7 seconds (+14% with Z07 Package)
0-300 km/h: 23.8 seconds (+42%/56% with Z07 7MT/Z07 8AT)
0-200 MPH: 31.6 seconds*
Lateral Acceleration: 1.20 G

*(models with the standard Stage 0 Aero package; +20% for those with Stage 1 package; +80% for those upgraded to Stage 2 from Stage 0; 200 mph is not achievable in a Stage 3 or Z07 model)

Quarter (1/4) Mile: 10.7 seconds at 132 mph
Half (1/2) Mile: 16.7 seconds at 150 mph
Whole (1/1) Kilometer: 19.7 seconds at 161 mph
Whole (1/1) Mile: 27.4 seconds at 177 mph

Today is my last day estimating cars' performance.

0-200 km/h estimated in the form of (200/(100x1.609344))^1x6.2 and (200/(150*1.609344))^1x14.7

0-300 km/h estimated in the form of (300/(150x1.609344))^1x14.7 and (300/(200*1.609344))^1x31.6

Half mile time estimated in the form of 1320x1.6 = 2112 ft / 132 mph = 16.0 + .7 = 16.7, because 1320 / 132 = 10.0, +.7 = 10.7. 10.7/16.7 = more potential, and 10.6/16.8 = less potential.

Half mile trap speed estimated in the form of (16.7/14.7)^2x150 and (16.7/23.8)^1x(300/1.609344)

Kilometer time estimated in the form of 3.1+10.5+35.4/(3.1+10.5+35.4)x8.5; mile time pretty much the same way, but instead of 8.5, I multiplied by 19.125.

Kilometer trap speed estimated in the form of (19.7/14.7)^0.5x150 and (19.4/23.8)^0.5x(300/1.609344)

Mile trap speed estimated in the form of (27.4/35.4)^0.2x(300/1.609344)

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hostboy  3y ago

AS WRITTEN TO THE DOT on the LFA vs C6 Z06-7 comparison:

The problem was that Chevy was constantly benchmarking mid-engine and rear-engine cars with the Z06 and ZR1 versions of the Corvette model. The LFA is also a front-engine car, as are BMW and Mercedes' midsize super grand tourers (M6 Competition/M8 Competition, SLR McLaren/SLS AMG/AMG GT), so it comes to no surprise that the C6Z is closer to an LFA or SLR/SLS than to a 458, and likewise the C6ZR and C7Z both are closer to an M8 Competition or AMG GT R than to a 488 — as far as straight line goes (the manual transmission is the only thing holding the C6 models slightly back).

Even the Ferrari 812 Superfast is closer to (and in some cases, slower than!) a C7ZR than to the Prancing Horse's own 488 GTB in most mag tests in both departments (straights and road course). If only Ferrari moved the engine a little up front then it would be around 0.1sec slower in the ¼mile per 1% increase in the front weight.

Back then, front-engine cars (especially without a highly advanced AWD system such as RS Quattro, M xDrive, or AMG 4MATIC+ combined with a turbocharger, NOT supercharger or atmosphere pressure) were NEVER known to be perfect straight-line cars unless they were using slicks and/or a prepped dragstrip. The AMG GT Black Series changed all of that; it's now on par with the McLaren 600LT and Porsche 911 GT2 RS.

But to be fair, it was not just the layout and the transmission that affected the Corvette badly, but also the downforce (especially for C7 in straight line metrics). The C7 Grand Sport and Z06 models naturally produce extra drag at around 300 feet before the quarter-mile, whereas the C7 ZR1 is just at a normal rate until it reaches the first half mile from a dead stop.

Well, considering that a C7 Z06 with an automatic did 11.1@127 (best) in a magazine ¼mile test with Z07 package, that's actually the equivalent to 10.8@133 (faster than ANY 458 even Speciale, but slower than a 488 GTB). Why? Because 11.1-2.5%=10.8x, and 127+5.0%=133.xx. Professional YouTubers took their bone stock Z06s (no stage aero or Z07 parts added) and got a similar trap speed to this 133.xx estimation I got, and since most dragstrips are prepped, take 2-4% away from my 10.8 estimate as well!!

While C7Z does 10.3 on drag radials and 10.6 on stock tires ON A STRIP, 488 GTB can only do 10.4 WITH A MID-ENGINE LAYOUT on stock tires (guesstimate equivalent to 10.7 on a strip and 11.0 on street tarmac with a front-engine layout based on traction, power-to-weight, torque curve and gear ratios).

Credir: hostboy (myself)

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hostboy  3y ago

My response to POS X-750: If you think "insulting" is just words, you're brainwashed. When I said you're full of shit, what I meant was that you're highly misinformed. Dude, this is GUY TALK. NOT EVERY coachbuilt (or aftermarket/kit, for that matter) car needs to be added, that's an exhaustive list. I literally thought that Equus thingy was the Bass 770 which had the Mustang look and earlier Corvette engine. RUF is an established and certified OEM that builds its own cars from scratch with panels and verified badge engineering from Porsche. Companies like Iso and Equus are completely a niche of their own and almost no car enthusiast cares about those brands. But to be fair, the Bristol Fighter isn't related to the Dodge Viper, either. In the Bristol's case, the design is a clean sheet. Is an Ultima GTR related to the C5 Corvette?? Is that what you think?

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hostboy  3y ago

This fake "moderator" clown keeps on accusing me of promoting false information in my summary when I told him that the Equus Throwback is not built on the Corvette platform and scolded me that I will get BLOCKED if I persist on "insulting" a Wikipedia user, whom I called "full of shit".

Jesus Christ, there is NO FREE SPEECH ON WIKIPEDIA. I hate Wikipedia and all their moderators should be prosecuted

He is shaming me and making me look bad and feel bad. I want EVERY full-time Wikipedia editor to get a ****ing girlfriend or hit the gym or something

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hostboy  3y ago

@FastestLaps I have created Z07 page, please merge some metrics and laptimes over there

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TypeF173  3y ago

Yo Corvolet3 here>

Road and Track Magazine 15 March 2016. These were actually retrieved from the Lamborghini Aventador SV section on Wikipedia where I was looking for 0-200MPH times!

Anyway~ Corvette Z06~


0-30= 1.5
0-60= 3.0
0-100= 6.6
0-150= 14.8
0-200= 26.0 (😶)

1/4 mile= 10.9 @ 132.70MPH

Top Speed= 207.40MPH

They are too hot for me to authenticate just yet LOL!

I'm not sure what to make of them!


From Zero to 30, 60, 100, 150, 200
2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Automatic: 1.5 sec, 3.0 sec, 6.6 sec, 14.8 sec, 26.0 sec. It even topped 207.4 mph!
2016 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat: 2.1 sec, 4.9 sec (note: wheelspin happened twice!), 7.3 sec, 14.1 sec, 37.0 sec
2016 Dodge Viper GTS: 1.9 sec, 3.9 sec, 7.8 sec, 22.4 sec (huh?), 79.0 sec
2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP 750-4 SV: 2.0 sec (note: "very gentle on launching" the car), 3.5 sec, 6.1 sec, 12.8 sec, 33.5 sec
2016 Lamborghini Huracán LP 580-2: 1.4 sec, 3.6 sec, 7.9 sec, 17.9 sec, 49.8 sec
2016 McLaren 675LT: 1.7 sec, 3.5 sec, 6.3 sec, 12.9 sec, 31.2 sec

Look at the Huracan? 0-200MPH?😯

Don't know man. Looks suspicious!😂🔥💯

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TypeF173  3y ago

There you go shaved off SIXTEEN point SIX seconds 0-300km/h from the abomination "number" above. *Speedometer.

1:20>2:00= 40 seconds approximately.


(*any "mistakes" corrected!)

And a Bugatti Man sorted it out! LOL! ;)

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TypeF173  3y ago


44.6 - 0-300km/h

Corvette C6 ZO6 512PS (Sport Auto 2008)

So I'll solve this little riddle tomorrow!


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TypeF173  3y ago

0-180MPH in 56.06 seconds for the Z06? LOL! That's got to be incorrect? It's hysterically incorrect!

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hostboy  4y ago

GM Europe claimed different figures than GM North America. While the C7 Z06 officially hits 60 mph in 2.95s with the auto tranny (American-spec; apparently it's not politically correct to use "tranny" anymore; most publications and sellers now substitute "trans."), it is also said to do 62 mph in 3.4-3.7s (depending on whether it is equipped with the Z07 package or not).

As for that 185-195mph top speed range, it is complicated. In the real world it should be as fast without the Z07 package, if not faster than, the C6 ZR1. Considering that 60-127 mph in 8.0 seconds flat with the 2.95s 0-60 and 10.95s quarter-mile drag times on stock street tires could enable as much of a 0.65s reduction in 0-60 with tire changes, a 10.6@129 slip is achievable on street slicks.

2.3/60/(60/127)x127+0.65 = 10.95 1/4-mile and 2.95s 0-60

Based on GM's 0-60mph time, we could estimate that the C7Z does 0-100km/h in 3.1s with the optimistic 1-foot rollout. In traditional testing, it's 3.4s (as Cadillac Europe says) with the Z07 package and 3.7s without it.

3.1 divided by 10.5 = 295 km/h (183 mph) top speed
3.4 divided by 10.8 = 315 km/h (196 mph) top speed
3.7 divided by 11.1 = 333 km/h (207 mph) top speed

The C6 ZR1 and C7 Z06 have roughly the same performance and personality as the SLR McLaren of the mid-2000s. All have 600+hp supercharged V8s, two of them have automatics (well, at least the Z06 has it as an option), all have 205+mph claimed and tested top speeds, and all are front-engine rear-wheel drive beasts.

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Jake  4y ago

0-180 MPH time looks like an error

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DisAmVet  4y ago will not! 17 A8 LT2 auto already proved it!...and no, they do not look better!

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bmw fan boy  4y ago

hey marky D,
Bmw m8 comp or m5 comp or m760li would destroy that car in top speed , 0-60,1/4, nurburgring lap times and looks way better.

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Marky D  4y ago

Any AMG/BMW guys and take a shot at a Z06, let us know. We'll take your address down, mail out a letter and let you know what the weather was like at the finish line.

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SheblyGT500  4y ago

Ive heard one in person and they are LOUD after hearing one accelerate and drive by my ears were ringing for a minute or two

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Corvolet3  4y ago

Can barely hang with an outdated Gallardo:


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Anonymous  5y ago

Post under review. Will be published by moderator shortly.

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danooj1  6y ago

Someone should correct that ridiculous 0-180 mph time. has the exact figures on a tested 2015 and it's 31-40sec in tests (not 57s). Guess some Porch guy posted that data. Lol.

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JiSiN  6y ago

Maze Circuit: 1:07.864
Driver: Taniguchi Nobuteru
Source: Hot Version Vol. 149

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Vegeta  7y ago

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