Image of Nissan GT-R

Nissan GT-R (R35 530 PS) specs

Price in Europe €90,900 - €92,000
Price in US $90,950
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1736-1784 kg (3827-3933 lbs)
Dimensions 4.67 m (184 in) long, 1.90 m (75 in) wide, 1.37 m (54 in) high
Wheelbase 2.78 m (109 in)
Introduced 2011
Origin country Japan
Gas mileage 29.8-13.9 l/100 km (8-17 mpg US / 9-20 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 371 g/km
Views 183.2k
Submitted by Georg

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.1 s
0 - 60 kph1.7 s
0 - 80 kph2.4 s
0 - 100 kph3.0 s
0 - 120 kph4.4 s
0 - 140 kph5.7 s
0 - 160 kph7.4 s
0 - 180 kph9.3 s
0 - 200 kph11.1 s
0 - 300 kph37.0 s
Est. 1000 m21.6 s @ 260.0 kph

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.1 s
0 - 40 mph1.6 s
0 - 50 mph2.2 s
0 - 60 mph2.9 s
0 - 70 mph3.8 s
0 - 80 mph4.8 s
0 - 90 mph6.0 s
0 - 100 mph7.1 s
0 - 120 mph10.0 s
1/8 mile7.7 s @ 95.1 mph
1/4 mile11.1 s @ 124.1 mph
Est. 1/2 mile18.6 s @ 153.5 mph
Est. 1 mile30.1 s @ 177.7 mph
Nissan GT-R acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed315 kph (196 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 011.2 s @ 827 ft
Est. max acceleration0.98 g (10 m/s²)
18m slalom70.7 kph (43.9 mph)
36m slalom140.0 kph (87.0 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.05 g (10 m/s²)
Downforce @ 200 kph5 kg (11 lbs)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V6 DOHC 24V twinturbo
Displacement 3.8 l (232 ci)
Power 530 ps (523 bhp / 390 kw) @ 6400 rpm
Torque 612 Nm (451 lb-ft) @ 6000 rpm
Power / liter 140 ps (138 hp)
Power / weight 301 ps (297 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 347 Nm (256 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 24 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 29 ps
Transmission 6 speed dual clutch transaxle
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

100 kph - 034 m (111 ft)
200 kph - 0129 m (424 ft)
60 mph - 031 m (101 ft)
70 mph - 047 m (153 ft)

Rolling acceleration

80 - 120 kph (4)3.3 s
80 - 120 kph (5)4.3 s
80 - 120 kph (6)6.4 s
80 - 160 kph (4)6.6 s
80 - 160 kph (5)8.7 s
80 - 160 kph (6)12.3 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.6 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph8.1 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph25.9 s
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flt158  1y ago

Thank you for hunting down this drag video, Jeremy Clarkson 1.
Such happy memories.
But I'm sure Motor Trend will eventually do more of these.

Very best regards to you and many thanks again.

Flt 158

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jeremyclarkson1  1y ago


I really do miss when this was considered to be one of the best driving and fastest cars on the road

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Jesskoen  2y ago

This is brilliant!

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Scatpackrider  3y ago


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altimgamr  3y ago

tulsi gabbard has a 2012 gtr. not surprised, she IS the nissan gtr of politicians in merica



its sad her "hubby" drives a junk chev cruze, prolly a good thing she cheated on him for lebron james' younger brother

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Heatedsword7  4y ago


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Good gamer  9y ago

Estoril lap time 1:55.28
By auto foto
Scan link

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uptownfunker  10y ago

This will easily kick its rivals' butts; maybe it'll have trouble against the Lamborghini Murciélago.

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BR2+  11y ago


I agree cheating is not okay in the least, I personally don't have to worry bout it, But touching some blokes wood is prolly not the best thing for an involved woman, I can see the humor in it in that kind of relation, But I personally wouldn't want my woman just grabbing a dudes Sroser lol I certainly would not be happy if she were given a dude a handy-_- I mean who would?

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BR2+  11y ago


I agree cheating is not okay in the least, I personally don't have to worry bout it, But touching some blokes wood is prolly not the best thing for an involved woman, I can see the humor in it in that kind of relation, But I personally wouldn't want my woman just grabbing a dudes Sroser lol I certainly would not be happy if she were given a dude a handy-_- I mean who would?

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Inline 6 rules  11y ago

I have asked about touching, stroking male stripper's *****, giving them handjobs, oral. How would you feel if your wife do such things? Beacuse in that forum many women wrote that doing these isn't cheating and men should be OK with their girlfriends/brides/wives doing such things. I would find these things cheating. For me touching other's genital is cheating and strippers aren't exceptions. If I get married and my bride ask me to be OK with she's playing with male stripper's (or any other men's) ***** I would dump her.

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BR2+  11y ago

I6.....? Well, I dont have to worry about any of those things, Havent had too before. Nor would i join that forum, Nor GermanCarForum thats for sure, not interested, Not really the social media type.

You cant have a relationship without trust, Ive been married for quit some time now, Known each other since we were wee kids, I trust her 100%, She wants to go to a strip club ive no problems with it, Have fun have good drinks, In fact she has gone to them, I dont care what other women say or do on forums, Thats got nothing to do with me, Flirting is fine to everyone does it, Again, Trust is there 100%.

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Inline 6 rules  11y ago

What do you think about this forum? What would you do if you are getting married and your bride do such things what can be read in these comments?

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BR2+  11y ago

Yes i do, For a long time know.

But what in the blue hell are you talking about?..

Theres nothing at all wrong with British women, I dont know where you would get that notion from, There quite the friendly bunch, British women are fantastic, Theres nothing at all be ing born in the UK, Kind of a ****ed up comment from you right there to be honest.

And im preety sure, About the gentlemns clubs you mentioned, Some of that goes on Everywhere, An doesnt matter where you come from, Doing shite like that will most likely get a boot up your arse, I think you been watching to many movies...

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Inline 6 rules  11y ago

You have a Japanese wife? You are a lucky guy! After what I read about British women no wonder you haven't gone with one. For me Britsh women seems tobe among the most unlikeable women in the world, thank God I haven't born in the UK. I have read forums about British women sucking male strippers' *****es, stroking them, licking whipped cream from them, giving them handjob, etc. And these "ladies" think it's completely OK, not cheating just a bit of fun and they expect their boyfriends/grooms/husbands to be OK with it. Why have British women become such disgusting sluts? How would they feel if their men play with a strippers' ******s? The other thing I don't understand why British men don't do anything against these things? They don't care their women cheating on them? They were raised to be indulgent with women? The British society let women do things that are unacceptable when men do them? Why? Why British men aren't fighting back? If I were a British guy I would tell women that making physical contact with other man's junk (including male strippers) is CHEATING and ask them how would they feel if the situation were reversed (their men making physical contact with other woman's ******) and being women doesn't make such thing more acceptable. BRITISH MEN! MAN UP and don't be OK with your women misbehave with male strippers!

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kit3651  11y ago



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vipcars  12y ago

We had one of these for a driver experiance day good car but not a fast track. After 3 laps could not use it any more as all the brake discs cracked. And at more than £2000 for discs and pads a very expensive 3 laps

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BR2+  12y ago

Considering my Wife is Japanese, and is from Japan, I would agree in saying the Japanese Culture is Very different than the US/UK/UE/ or anywhere else, But theres nothing "Kitchy" or childish about it. Japanese culture would be more family orientated and business like then anything else.

A lot of there culture is put into the things they make, wether it be Cars, Anime, Movies , Clothes etc Age is not important at all, There is a type of honor system there, but not as extreme US/EU movies seem to make it.

But if you really want to know whats its really like there, Then Super8 would be the one to ask, Ive been there plenty of times during the holidays with my wife, But I don't live there.

And I don't see the GT-R feeling more mechanical then anycar on todays market...


Nissan wasn't aiming at the younger generation of people, Not with a car like the GT-R, Not with a 70k Pircetag.. With cars like the Silvia and the Z cars, those were the younger audience cars, everything else was for your average working masses.

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Piorun  12y ago

I was talking about the whole Japanese culture in general, not only about autoindustry.
As we know almost all sports car are aimed in the market on young people in general, beceause that kind of people buy it. This is obivious. I did not say NIssan GT-R is for old people or, NIssan is for old people, that would bu just idiotic statement that i did not wrote. So i do not know where You read such a bullshit?

Its was more how traitional Japanese general culture and unique Japanese design aspct was transfer to NIssan GT-R. Its very subtle. GT-R is just diffrent from what most people saw in Europe or American sports car shapes. That doesnt mean that its ugly or old any way. Its very diffrent.

Japanese culture - in general - is more traditional. Mizuno said that he want the car to be more like a man's car, more "muscle".
Ofcourse any culture have diffrent faces. We for sure also have pop culture in Japanese, and high culture.

But overall their technical production trade, car industry - inside as most of Japanese conglomerate - has very traditional structure.

So that Japanese traditional maturity somehow was transfered to GT-R shapes, and that makes this car little more grown up, more man's car.

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Mental  12y ago

Wrong. Japanese autoindustry was always aimed at younger generation, especially Nissan. Just look up their current model range. Their design language, style of ride, sporty feel (kind of that term) reliability and affordability makes Nissans perfect choice for youngsters. Nissan is completely stuck in modern trends. Old people don't like all that high-tech, sci-fi - modern trends. If they were to choose a car, it would a large practical slow SUV, saloon or van, which current Nissan's model range lacks.

GT-R is certainly not that character. It's full of hi-tech computers, "stylish" interior elements, extremal acceleration; obviously GT-R is not an oldman's tool. I'm pretty sure the average age of a GT-R customer is about 26-29.

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Mental  12y ago

Indeed. GT-R fanboys are the worst you can think of. Alti is the brightest example of a GT-R fanboy: he is not capable to understand a simple obvious sentence, and keeps adding a false laptime, bashing everyone other and has always to bring up his most behated car, even when it's not mentioned, and tell how GT-R is "much better than that POS". While others make up an utter bullshit statements to make their beloved GT-R look better, being completely impolite... All these bastards (aggressive fanboys) create a negative aura around the GT-R, which is loosing reputation in my eyes due to that reason.

I don't want to offend real GT-R enthusiasts, who actually own and drive their cars. But these are totally opposite to those little fanboys, who have no experience and spent most of their time in playstation.

Of course, I don't want to be a hypocrite, saying that only GT-R fanboys are that loathsome/worthless/stupid... But they are the top worst fanboys. Then, IMO, comes Ferrari's fanboys, then Audi's, Chevy's... and then others, but they are not as significant.

Personally, I don't hate the GT-R. Doesn't look bad, provides excellent performance per money, overall good quality. BUT I find it too boring to be a true supercar.

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Hamcee  12y ago

just because they are very respectful towards their elders, doesnt mean, that its the main part of their culture. it sure does have a place there, doesnt change the fact that the current culture is owned by kawaii, mascots, manga, anime.

its very childish, cute and kitschy.

i gonna repeat my self, 90% of the time u just post bullshit and doesnt know what u are talkin about

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Piorun  12y ago

Dude did You learn anything about Japanese culture?

Its something diffrent than in US or UE. If Your statment is based on... you tube funn yjapanese comercials - then You are wrong.

The age is very importand in their culture. Its all about respect. You cannot be promoted in any job, if You are not in the right age. ounger person cannot be higher in rank than older one.

That why Mr. Mizuno worked all his life, and finnaly was a chief engineer of GT-R project. At very mature age, and finnaly he retired at age of 60.

He told that he want GT-R be more mature, more of a men's car, with all that shapes.
And now i can see this is in this car, its very Japanese-like style. They did not copy-cut euro or us standards and id something on their own.

And now - all cars in the world starting to look the same, GT-R is diffrent, it look sporty, and muscular.

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Hamcee  12y ago

Japan culture is more based on old people.

its still FEELS MECHANICAL - just liek EVO not like MP4-which is more of electronical controll.

once more, wrong assumptions u put out of your arse.

japanese culture is very kitschy and childish and the gt-r doesnt feel more "mechanical" than the mp4.

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password  12y ago

nice one BR2+

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Piorun  12y ago

I think it loogs good, its not childlish style. It have more mature shapes. Japan culture is more based on old people.

This is not crazy toy for boys, even it have that kind of fans.

But the best thing about it - its still FEELS MECHANICAL - just liek EVO not like MP4-which is more of electronical controll.

The only thing to fix is suspension. It can be upgraded with something much more multi-purpose

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password  12y ago

I'm no fan of GT-R but really appreaciate the engeneering behind. How can I bash sucessful cars like Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Maserati etc? but the reality is, we cannot not discredit GT-R for such success.

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BR2+  12y ago

...Theres nothing simple about this car lol

But I wont get your viewpoint, Sure, we all hate GT-R fanboys, or any fanboys for that matter, but there is a special place for GT-R fanboys though, Hell we even have a BIG one on here.

But ill never get how fans can make a car ugly, Or bad, I think this is an ABSOLUTLEY fantastic car inside and out, Ive really got no complaints, Its part f the Nissan R lineup, and every R Badged car has been great, This one may be a bit different, But it will be more remembered then ALOT of the cars in the past 13 years, Damn near all, Its mad such a huge impact, on the track and in culture, So regardless of how Ignorant and redundant fans can be...or are-_- I just cannot see how they make it ugly or undesired.