Image of Ferrari 599 GTO

Ferrari 599 GTO specs

Price in Europe €315,797
Price in US $450,000
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1605-1746 kg (3538-3849 lbs)
Dimensions 4.71 m (185 in) long, 1.96 m (77 in) wide, 1.33 m (52 in) high
Wheelbase 2.75 m (108 in)
Introduced 2010
Origin country Italy
Views 84k

Lap times


0 - 60 kph2.0 s
0 - 100 kph3.4 s
0 - 200 kph9.8 s
0 - 250 kph16.2 s
1000 m20.2 s @ 272.0 kph
Est. 100 - 200 kph6.4 s
Est. 0 - 60 mph3.6 s
Est. 0 - 100 mph6.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.9 s @ 108.1 mph
1/4 mile11.5 s @ 132.4 mph
Top speed335 kph (208 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 011.1 s @ 751 ft
Est. max acceleration0.80 g (8 m/s²)
100 kph - 039 m (127 ft)
200 kph - 0136 m (448 ft)
Ferrari 599 GTO acceleration graph

Powertrain specs

Engine type V12
Displacement 6.0 l (366 ci / 5999 cc)
Power 670 ps (661 bhp / 493 kw) @ 8250 rpm
Torque 620 Nm (457 lb-ft) @ 6500 rpm
Power / liter 112 ps (110 hp)
Power / weight 406 ps (400 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 376 Nm (277 lb-ft) / t
Power / €5000 11 ps
Layout front engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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jeremyclarkson1  2y ago


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Corvolet3  3y ago

Enzo engine pulls 👍


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kyurtseven7  3y ago


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Hoppelmoppel123  4y ago

please delete the 0-60mph, the 0-100mph and the 1/4 mile time, they were estimates

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Hoppelmoppel123  4y ago

please delete the 0-60mph, the 0-100mph and the 1/4 mile time, they were estimates

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Hoppelmoppel123  5y ago

please delete the 0-60mph, the 0-100mph and the 1/4 mile time, they were estimates

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BR2+  9y ago

American safety bullshite, The only car that I've herd of having a big weight difference in the past like 12 years, Is the 4C

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saxy  9y ago

I wonder what the American homologation difference is and why is the weight difference isnt as prominent with other car manufacturers.

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BR2+  9y ago

I havent seen a single car they make today that is 100kg more then the European model.

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Chanante  9y ago

The american Ferrari cara have 100kg more than the european model for the security homologation.


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tyler  9y ago

Could you change curb weight to (1746 kg) 3850 lbs

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uptownfunker  10y ago

****0-40 kph: 1.4 s
0-50 kph: 1.7 s (half 0-40 & half 0-60)
0-60 kph: 2.0 s
0-80 kph: 2.7 s
0-150 mph = 0-240 kph: 14.6 s
0-300 kph: 29.9 s


0-200 mph: 50.9 s


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saxy  10y ago

well duh. considering it calculated the 1 mile speed as 176mph.

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uptownfunker  10y ago

The "calculation" made a mistake; the estimated 1/2-mile trap speed is actually around 157-162 mph, not 190.

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iso1981  11y ago

0-300 km/h time of the 599 GTO can be like 30.6 seconds

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saxy  11y ago

This may not be the fastest Ferrari in a straight line, nor on the track, but it looks menacing. It's also much more exclusive than the 458. If I had too much money to spend on everything, I can totally find many reasons why I'd like this car over the 458 or a F12

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dddd  12y ago

Why do you use Road and Track test result ? Road and Track's F12 acceleration test result is laughable, hilarious for that car.

F12 in that test achieved acceleration result on 599's level.

F12 is much faster for real. It is able to do 0-300 in 21-23s.

Ferrari 599 : 0-60 in 3,3s , 1/4 in 11,2s at 131 mp/h .
Road and Track 599's test :

PDF link (fourth one) :

Do you believe that F12 has worse/the same performance as 599 ? F12 has better everything - gearbox, throttle response, traction and also has 120 hp more.

599 is a very fast car even nowadays - in general ofc. For its power-weight-gearbox ratio 599 is even super fast.

But F12 is much faster. So Road and Track achieved realy horrid acceleration result with F12.

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saxy  12y ago

For a car that takes nearly 10 seconds to get to 200kph and that you said is TOO SLOW, i doubt it could beat the 12C

From 100mph to 150mph, the lower hp version 12C does it in the same time as a F12. But the 12C is almost 1 full second quicker to 100mph

Above 200kph yes, the F12 will be faster, cuz that's when HP takes over, and that the 12C has a lot of aero drag

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dddd  12y ago

F12 has also very good launch and obviously is faster than Mp4-12c above 160-200 km/h...There is no doubt about that.

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saxy  12y ago

12C > F12 >GTO. The 12C has a better launch and weighs some 350-400kgs less. If you put 2 people in the car + full fuel tanks, then the race will be much more interesting. In general, the 12C finishes a 1/4 mile well under 11seconds every time. Can't say that about the F12

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BR2+  12y ago

Meh, If it were mass produced I could get a little chubbed, but one offs are just plain silly.

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lafars  12y ago

New Ferrari one-off announced based on the 599 GTO: Ferrari SP12 Arya

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sg+'  12y ago

f12 berlinetta > mp4-12c > avendator > 599 gto

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saxy  12y ago

so 150-200kg, minus another 50+kg of fuel, and the fact that the F12 has a twin clutch trans, Ruf having low rev-band and needing to shift a lot, of course wasn't a match

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dddd  12y ago

I dont see any wheel spin. I can see that Ruf jumped at the start as if it started a bit earlier. And Ruf's driver realy knows how to shift the gears.

Mayby not 300-400 kgs but 150-200 kgs for sure.

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saxy  12y ago

No way is the Ruf 300-400kg lighter. Even the turbo-less RWD GT3 isn't 300kg lighter.

The F12 was on ZERO fuel. full tank would be nearly 100kg more.

plus the Ruf had a slow stick shift, + wheel spin at the top of the first gear.

The temperature could affect the Ruf's turbo performance.

So really, the Ruf has no relevance to the MP4. But I wouldn't be surprised the F12 was faster.

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dddd  12y ago

I think that F12 is faster than Mp4-12c 625 hp. The Berlinetta caught up 780 hp Ruf Turbo despite it had an incredible jump, look at this :


And Ruf is 300-400 kgs lighter than F12.

On Mp4 vs GTO drag race we can observe that Mp4 jumped at the start. After 160 km/h it was a good fight. So if MP4 doesnt start a bit earlier it will be a close fight.

We cant say which car is faster (when we compare comparable car) if it is only one race( yes with Ruf it was only one race but Ruf had better start and despite that F12 won which is incredible).

That is why i think it is impossible that F12 didnt have better jump than the GTO at the beginning of the race. That is why i think in that race GTO started earlier or F12's driver made some mistakes. Traction problem is also possible.

In general when drag race is realy interesting we should watch at least 3-4 drag races (like it was with F12 and Aventador).

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saxy  12y ago

not really...

The McLaren is a very performance focused car with no compromise. It's quite a bit lighter, the gearing is shorter and the turbos give better torque.

The lambo and F12 are more GT cars, while the GTO was anything but a GTO car.
I wouldn't be surprised if the engine power was underrated, but I recall one dyno test where it didn't do so well. who knows.

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dddd  12y ago

Anyway for "the most hardcore Ferrari" A.D. 2010 that car is a way to slow.

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dddd  12y ago

Hmmm it is weird...

Look how good 599 GTO does against the Aventador (two races) and F12 (only one race) :

From the other side look how bad the GTO did against 911 Turbo and Mp4 :



I think these movies are showing that one drag race is extremely inaccurate...

If Aventador and F12 are slower than Mp4 it will be so humiliating for Italian badly humiliating...Two the newest and the best Italian supercars - Aventador and F12 are slower than basic Mclaren...Is it possible ?

Or Mclaren downplays the power rating figure hugely and for real the upgraded version of Mp4 has like 680-700 hp which is very possible.

The second possibility : we must see at least several roll drag races to say which car is faster for real.

On 599 GTO vs MP4 movie it was like 599 GTO even didnt accelerate for one second or 599 had traction problem which is possible...

Anyway those drag races : 599 GTO vs Aventador and F12 are surprising because the 599 GTO has never ever showed realy good performance.