Image of VW Golf R

VW Golf R (Mk VII) specs

Price in Europe €38,325 - €53,154
Price in Britain £33,190
Car type Compact
Curb weight 1401-1513 kg (3089-3336 lbs)
Introduced 2015
Origin country Germany
Gas mileage 28.1-7.4 l/100 km (8-32 mpg US / 10-38 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 227 - 243 g/km
Views 250.7k
Submitted by DeDe


0 - 40 kph1.3 s
0 - 50 kph1.7 s
0 - 60 kph2.3 s
0 - 80 kph3.4 s
0 - 100 kph4.7 s
0 - 120 kph6.3 s
0 - 130 kph7.5 s
0 - 140 kph8.3 s
0 - 160 kph10.8 s
0 - 180 kph14.0 s
0 - 200 kph18.0 s
1000 m24.1 s
0 - 40 mph2.3 s
0 - 60 mph4.5 s
0 - 80 mph7.5 s
0 - 100 mph10.8 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.5 s @ 90.1 mph
1/4 mile13.1 s @ 107.5 mph
VW Golf R acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed250 kph (155 mph)
0 - 100 mph - 016.8 s
Est. max acceleration0.59 g (6 m/s²)
18m slalom70.3 kph (43.7 mph)
36m slalom134.0 kph (83.3 mph)
Downforce @ 200 kph-46 kg (-101 lbs)
Noise @ 50 kph60 dB
Noise @ 80 kph64 dB
Noise @ 100 kph66 dB
Noise @ 120 kph71 dB

Powertrain specs

Engine type 4-cylinder-in-line, turbo
Displacement 2.0 l (121 ci / 1984 cc)
Power 300 ps (296 bhp / 221 kw) @ 5500 rpm
Tested power 295 ps (291 bhp)  @ 5300 rpm
Torque 380 Nm (280 lb-ft) @ 1800 rpm
Tested torque 405 Nm (299 lbft)  @ 4600 rpm
Power / liter 151 ps (149 hp)
Power / weight 202 ps (199 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 256 Nm (189 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 25 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 35 ps
Transmission 6-speed-manual, 6-speed-DSG
Layout front engine, all wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

Braking distance

50 kph - 09 m (31 ft)
80 kph - 024 m (79 ft)
100 kph - 033 m (108 ft)
120 kph - 054 m (177 ft)
140 kph - 072 m (237 ft)
190 kph - 0127 m (417 ft)
200 kph - 0139 m (457 ft)
30 mph - 09 m (30 ft)
60 mph - 032 m (105 ft)
70 mph - 048 m (158 ft)
100 mph - 097 m (319 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)4.0 s
60 - 100 kph (5)6.0 s
80 - 120 kph (4)3.9 s
80 - 120 kph (5)5.1 s
80 - 120 kph (6)6.3 s
80 - 160 kph (4)9.2 s
80 - 160 kph (5)12.2 s
80 - 160 kph (6)15.5 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph3.1 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph14.5 s
30 - 70 mph4.0 s
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wwwww  4y ago

What would win mk8 r vs 2022 s3

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dgang  4y ago

is this car fast

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COOLBOY  4y ago


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Dw about jt  4y ago

This post has received too much negative feedback and is hidden. Click here to show it anyway.

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cars  4y ago

I will race who i want cuz its my car and if your jealous go get a job so you can afford one of these wate you can't because the insurance costs more that you life savings put together.

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Speechless  5y ago

I have to comment,.....
You an idiot, if you racing this category of vehicle with your "Bugatti" then its seems to me you either have a 1:18 scale or you have short man syndrome.... Get a life man!

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cars  5y ago

I own a bugatti veyron ss 2009 and it would kill these cars...

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Broly  6y ago

The weight is wrong. It’s 3,300-3,373 pounds

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paper weight  7y ago

bmw m drivers are scared of the pressure this car puts them under in damp weather

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Dave  8y ago

The cars kerb weight is wrong its actually 1487kg

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bobby123  9y ago

Then 2017 golf R I heard will have the new VW stage 2 upgrade package straight from the factory at about 370bhp. so next year the golf r will be even faster than it is now, I would bet it will be pushing 430 BHP by the time stage 3 comes out.

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John  9y ago in stage 3 0-100 3.3 100-200 8.2

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BR2+  10y ago

...Exhaust pipes make someone snobby now?...

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quintin  10y ago

why has this car got four exhaust pipes, I am very snobby when it comes to exhaust pipes. good day to you all

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saxy  11y ago

Yeah I know that's what I was referring to. The EVO which was more thirsty than a V12 lambo needed a complete engine rebuild every 15000miles.

Of course technology has improved heaps but as an every day car 400+ hp from 2 liters is asking for reliability trouble

And isn't the TT rs a 2.5l 5 cylinder?

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jon  11y ago

Saxy evo have run 400bhp rfom factory years ago and new golf 400 R comes out soon with 420bhp and new audi TT RS is 430bhp from 2.0litre

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jon  11y ago

got me golf R few months back and fitted DTUK box so fast and reliable. best car i have owned

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BR2+  11y ago

Nah theyll be fine..

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saxy  11y ago

390hp fomr a 2.0L ? some people want a car that can last more than a few months

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jon  11y ago

O- 100mph in sub 9 seconds

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jon  11y ago

O- 100mph in sub 9 seconds

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jon  11y ago

Sorry piggy back ECU gives golf r 390bhp spell checker changed it

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saxy  11y ago

come again?

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jon  11y ago

In UK it cost £250 to have piggy back ECU fitted to golf R and gives it 300bhp 0-100 in 9 seconds yiu could never mod a student or evo that cheaply and won't effect warranty! Also I'd half teh price to tax and is quicker on track than megane 265 trophy. See lap times I have owned a megane R26. Handle well but crap build quality and don't compare to vw. If stripped seat out golf and used sticker tire probably keep up with megnbe 275 trophy as is already quicker than megane 275 (none trophy)

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Piorun  11y ago

You seems to be pretty fire up with latest tests. Im quite glad too ;) It took VW over 25 yers to catch up the old Suby STI...

And I was talking about Lancer EVO X AWD system not about Subaru symetrical AWD, which is better imo than even new Haldex or Subaru one.

As to the results:
I think the weakest point in STI is the engine, it was avesome good few years ago, and now it lack of low rev torque.
Also manual drive can be pretty fun, but in terms of performance its time for 6/7 speeds DCTs.

But i think even not too much improved STI will have its fans, its more hardcore rally car, with close ratio gearbox and stiff suspension.

Impreza WRX is imo little better everyday model, and much cheaper than both.

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Georg  11y ago

1 month ago [del] [delall] [ban]
Would be great car with better AWD system, those lastest versions of Haldex arent bad, but they are no match for those multi diff's Evo SH-AWD .

because it is no match the new Golf R COMPLETELY toasted the 2015 WRX STI at the latest Motortrend compare...forward backwards sidewas... look at Laguna Seca laptimes driven same day same race driver

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Piorun  11y ago

Would be great car with better AWD system, those lastest versions of Haldex arent bad, but they are no match for those multi diff's Evo SH-AWD .

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Jamieclarke  11y ago

I got 0-60 in 4 /40 this morn so it would blow scoobies n eves out the water that wi no remap

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williams  11y ago

The R400 is coming still the same concept if u know about vw golfs, 2lt 16v T