...Just waitin..
2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray completed a lap of Laguna Seca (post 1988) in 1 minute and 38.3 seconds.
Track | Laguna Seca (post 1988) |
Type | flying start |
Vehicle | Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (C7) |
Power / weight | 461 ps / 1566 kg |
Driver | Randy Pobst |
Time | 1:38.280 |
Average speed | 132 kph (82 mph) |
Submitted | 12 years ago by phavyarden |
Views | 7.7k |
Reference: http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/coupes/1312_chevrolet_corvette_stingray_z51_ferrari_f12_berlinetta_porsche_911_carrera_4s/specs.html
CoolShirtGuy 12y ago
LOL! Sorry, dude. But I think you'll have another chance. This guy strikes me as the kind who has to have the last word.
CoolShirtGuy 12y ago
You think the F12's weight(4003lbs as tested)had anything to do with it's subpar lap time? How about those tires that aren't nearly as aggressive as they should've be? I'm not saying anyone or anything is rubbish. The F12 is not a driver's car because it DOESN'T have all the tools to get the job done. It's not a matter of TC or any other electronic aids; the F12 isn't a truly dedicated performance car, and it's not meant to be; that's the 458's job. Same with the 599. And you're telling me high-powered RWD cars, riding on tires intended for bone-dry Summer performance, are crap in the rain? What a revelation!
The ZR1 needed TC? Uh, no. I believe Randy's fastest lap in the ZR1 was with the PTM off. TC is what makes you slower because it kills power when it senses wheelspin. An amateur might need that, but for someone who knows a thing or two about throttle modulation and cornering technique, they can keep wheelspin to a minimum on their own and can get on the power whenever they choose, not when the computer says it's alright.
Also, about Porsche not being famous for driver aids...Porsche Traction Management is widely regarded as one of the best TC systems on the market today. Even better than Ferrari's, according to some.
CoolShirtGuy 12y ago
Yeah, because F1 cars and street cars have soooo much in common. Riiiiight. See, in F1, aids are a necessity simply because the limits of those machines have become impossible for a human to match on their own. They move so fast, even through "slow" sections, that when something goes wrong, the driver may not have enough time to react and needs something to have his back and keep him out of a wall. Street cars haven't gotten to that level.
Show me where I said I was against fine-tuning and such. You can't, because I never said anything even close to that. Flabernat said it best; it's about the car having the tools to get the job done, and about it being up to you, the driver, to use them. That's what makes a true driver's car.
I won't push the limits of an ill-balanced car? You obviously haven't seen me behind the wheel of a GT500. Just as well, you'd probably have pissed yourself just watching. See, I don't necessarily care about being the fastest guy on the track, unless there's a bet to win; I drive for the experience. I drive with the TC off, even if I end up lapping slower than someone else, because it's more fun that way.
saxy 12y ago
Pretty soon, with people like you saying that, we will all be able to break record laps while literally sitting back with out feet up high having a pint
clearly someone doesn't know how to read.
I said a good car is balanced and you can push it without any gizmos. On the other hand, cars like the ZR1, GTO are faster with TC systems because they are poorly balanced.
I seriously can't comment your indulgence of butt massages and manicures, Cuz only you know what they are about. I thought this forum was for people who cared about cars and driving. Guess I was wrong. This is such a waste of time being here.
saxy 12y ago
BR2: The only people who need "accessible performance" are those who have no business behind the wheel of a performance car in the first place.
yet formula 1 drivers complain about car balance and drivability. It's called fine tuning a car. heard of it? This is not playstation. You keep thinking what's the fastest car potentially around a track in a game. In reality, you won't dare to push a car's limit if you don't have a well balanced car, which makes you slower, or be a sissy and use the TC
So what do you have to say about Randy Pobst's lap time with the F12? 730hp with all that tech and ONLY 1:38. Are you saying the car is rubbish or Pobst is rubbish? You haven't said anything. at least I made my point. I said it's a not a good drivers car since it's a car with monster stats but not even Randy Pobst can access that performance.
I agree. Best drivers car should Of course not have many driver assists. I don't see Porsche 911's famous for that. Ferraris though are famous for their full of gizmos and technology. But the 599 GTO, F12 are "undrivable" in the wet (quoted by Ferrari), and TC must be on even in the dry. When the 599XX drove around the Nurburgring it had the traction control on. Like Clarkson said, "the car was driving itself"
Stingray on the other hand, 450hp, great overall lap performance. 50/50 balance, you can turn the TC off and drive right to the limit unlike the previous C6 ZR1, which needed the TC.
Flabernat 12y ago
A drivers carsimply provides what is necessary, the right tools to get the job done(brakes, grip, chassis, balance...etc).
But ultimately it's up to the driverto make the most of it.
Also @ BR2+
Pretty soon, with people like you saying that, we will all be able to break record laps while literally sitting back with out feet up high having a pint.
I can see it already, Best Drunk-Driver's Car :D
BR2+ 12y ago
Cuz oh if you can tame that, you must be a great driver!
Hell yeah, If you can tame a car like a Viper, You ARE a damned good driver.
Honestly, People these days are getting too comfortable with the car doing the work for you, Every car has accessible performance, but some may not be able to get the full grunt of it like others, Then they say "Not Accessible" Like you. But like CSG said, theres a difference between Challenging and Impossible, Now look at that word carefull....'Im-Possible.."
How can you call a car, literally LITTED with electronic interference, An autobox, and the most full proof crash proof suspension system a "Drivers Car" Whose driving? Certainly not you..
And if YOUR NOT driving the car, how exactly is that a Drivers car? Its a Cars Car..
Pretty soon, with people like you saying that, we will all be able to break record laps while literally sitting back with out feet up high having a pint...
CoolShirtGuy 12y ago
So, you lack balls and brain cells, eh? Congrats.
Do us all a favor: Google the words "Challenging" and "Impossible", then come back here and tell us which word applies to your post, and which one applies to mine, 'kay?
The only people who need "accessible performance" are those who have no business behind the wheel of a performance car in the first place. And that's precisely the reason "accessible performance" has become such a big deal; because the people who typically buy sports/supercars have more money and ego than brains and skill. They try to show off and end up getting themselves or someone else killed, and that is why cars are becoming more and more idiot-proof. Hell, nowadays they're making it so you can't even turn all the nannies off. There may be a setting that claims to turn them off, but they aren't really off.
I'm not saying take any safety equipment out, I'm saying stop calling these pansy-mobiles "driver's cars" when they most certainly aren't.