Image of Ferrari 488 GTB

Ferrari 488 GTB specs

Price in Europe €205,402 - €290,360
Car type Coupe
Curb weight 1535-1554 kg (3384-3426 lbs)
Introduced 2015
Origin country Italy
Gas mileage 27.0-13.1 l/100 km (9-18 mpg US / 10-22 mpg UK)
CO2 emissions 265 - 360 g/km
Views 194.6k

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.1 s
0 - 50 kph1.3 s
0 - 60 kph1.6 s
Est. 0 - 70 kph2.5 s
0 - 80 kph2.2 s
Est. 0 - 90 kph3.2 s
0 - 100 kph2.8 s
Est. 0 - 110 kph4.0 s
0 - 120 kph3.6 s
0 - 130 kph4.0 s
0 - 140 kph5.0 s
Est. 0 - 150 kph6.0 s
0 - 160 kph5.5 s
Est. 0 - 170 kph7.2 s
0 - 180 kph6.7 s
Est. 0 - 190 kph8.7 s
0 - 200 kph8.1 s
Est. 0 - 210 kph10.3 s
Est. 0 - 220 kph11.1 s
0 - 230 kph10.7 s
0 - 240 kph11.8 s
0 - 250 kph12.9 s
Est. 0 - 260 kph15.6 s
Est. 0 - 270 kph17.0 s
0 - 280 kph19.9 s
Est. 0 - 290 kph20.6 s
0 - 300 kph23.9 s
Est. 100 m5.1 s @ 135.0 kph
1000 m18.7 s @ 283.0 kph

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.2 s
0 - 40 mph1.7 s
0 - 50 mph2.2 s
0 - 60 mph2.7 s
0 - 70 mph3.4 s
0 - 80 mph4.2 s
0 - 90 mph5.0 s
0 - 100 mph5.9 s
Est. 0 - 110 mph7.6 s
Est. 0 - 120 mph8.9 s
0 - 130 mph9.9 s
0 - 140 mph11.5 s
Est. 0 - 150 mph13.3 s
0 - 160 mph15.5 s
0 - 170 mph18.6 s
Est. 0 - 180 mph19.2 s
Est. 1/8 mile7.2 s @ 112.5 mph
1/4 mile10.4 s @ 137.9 mph
Est. 1/2 mile17.1 s @ 168.4 mph
Ferrari 488 GTB acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed335 kph (208 mph)
Est. 0 - 100 mph - 010.1 s @ 722 ft
Est. max acceleration1.00 g (10 m/s²)
18m slalom72.2 kph (44.9 mph)
36m slalom139.0 kph (86.4 mph)
Lateral acceleration1.02 g (10 m/s²)
Downforce @ 200 kph205 kg (452 lbs)
Downforce @ 250 kph325 kg (716 lbs)

Powertrain specs

Engine type V8 twin turbo
Displacement 3.9 l (238 ci / 3902 cc)
Power 670 ps (661 bhp / 493 kw)
Torque 760 Nm (561 lb-ft)
Power / liter 172 ps (169 hp)
Power / weight 433 ps (427 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 491 Nm (362 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 38 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 13 ps
Transmission 7 speed automatic
Layout middle engine, rear wheel drive

Braking distance

Est. 60 kph - 013 m (41 ft)
100 kph - 030 m (97 ft)
Est. 120 kph - 047 m (154 ft)
130 kph - 051 m (166 ft)
Est. 140 kph - 062 m (203 ft)
Est. 160 kph - 080 m (262 ft)
Est. 180 kph - 099 m (325 ft)
Est. 190 kph - 0111 m (365 ft)
200 kph - 0121 m (396 ft)
Est. 300 kph - 0272 m (891 ft)
30 mph - 08 m (25 ft)
50 mph - 020 m (67 ft)
60 mph - 029 m (94 ft)
Est. 70 mph - 041 m (135 ft)

Rolling acceleration

60 - 100 kph (4)2.0 s
60 - 100 kph (5)2.5 s
80 - 120 kph (4)2.1 s
80 - 120 kph (5)2.4 s
80 - 120 kph (6)3.0 s
80 - 120 kph (7)4.5 s
80 - 160 kph (4)4.2 s
80 - 160 kph (5)5.1 s
80 - 160 kph (6)6.5 s
80 - 160 kph (7)8.9 s
80 - 120 kph1.5 s
Est. 100 - 140 kph2.3 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph5.6 s
Est. 200 - 300 kph15.5 s

Interior noise

Noise @ 80 kph73 dB
Noise @ 100 kph76 dB
Noise @ 130 kph78 dB
Noise @ 160 kph80 dB
Noise @ 180 kph84 dB
Noise @ 30 mph63 dB
Noise @ 50 mph68 dB
Noise @ 70 mph75 dB
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Corvolet3  1m ago

Horse eating from a horse


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ChironSS  10m ago


"The Ferrari KC23 is a 600bhp one-off track car from Maranello

Based on the 488 GT3 Evo racer, a ‘leading collector’ commissioned this unique V8 track toy."

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hostboy  2y ago

Ferrari 488 GTB acceleration stats! (+25% effort from 0 to 100 km/h / 62 mph)

0-60 MPH: 2.9 seconds
0-100 km/h: 3.0 seconds
0-100 MPH: 5.9 seconds
0-200 km/h: 8.1 seconds
0-150 MPH: 13.0 seconds
0-300 km/h: 22.7 seconds
0-200 MPH: 31.5 seconds
Lateral Acceleration: 1.13 G

Quarter (1/4) Mile: 10.5 seconds at 134 mph
Half (1/2) Mile: 16.4 seconds at 161 mph
Whole (1/1) Kilometer: 18.8 seconds at 174 mph
Whole (1/1) Mile: 26.5 seconds at 192 mph

Today is my last day estimating cars' performance.

0-200 km/h estimated in the form of (200/(100x1.609344))^1x5.9 and (200/(150*1.609344))^2x13.0

0-300 km/h estimated in the form of (300/(150x1.609344))^1x13.0 and (300/(200*1.609344))^1x31.5

Half mile time estimated in the form of 1320x1.6 = 2112 ft / 134 mph = 15.75 + .65 = 16.4, because 1320 / 134 = 9.85, +.65 = 10.5. 10.5/16.4 = more potential, and 10.4/16.5 = less potential.

Half mile trap speed estimated in the form of (16.4/13.0)^1x150 and (16.4/22.7)^1x(300/1.609344)

Kilometer time estimated in the form of 3.0+8.1+22.7/(3.0+8.1+22.7)x11.5; mile time pretty much the same way, but instead of 11.5, I multiplied by 23.

Kilometer trap speed estimated in the form of (18.8/13.0)^0.5x150 and (18.8/22.7)^0.5x(300/1.609344)

Mile trap speed estimated in the form of (26.5/22.7)^0.2x(300/1.609344) and (26.5/31.0)^0.2x200

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TypeF173  2y ago


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TypeF173  2y ago


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hostboy  2y ago

The Ferrari 488 isn't a true supercar. I see hundreds of them in LA and even in lesser-known cities like Pasadena and Glendale every day.

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TypeF173  3y ago

Ferrari win both classes at the 2021 24 Hour of Le Mans in the GT racing categories. Well done Ferrari beating out Porsche Aston Martin and Chevrolet!

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hostboy  3y ago

I'm surprised the 488 isn't much faster than the 458 on a strip.

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Wtf?  3y ago

How come the lateral acceleration is the same as the 458? 1.02?

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Heatedsword7  4y ago


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Cauf40f50  4y ago

Meh why most of high performance european supercars always have the most generic setup?
4-5 liter v8 tt producing 650-700 hp bla bla bla mid engine rwd bla bla bla

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AzaanPD  4y ago

Could you retire the estimates or the other acceleration figures? They are way off with each other
For example, 0-250 kmh in 12.9 and 0-260 kmh in 15.6? 0-190 kmh in 8.7 and 0-200 kmh in 8.1?

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SpeedKing  4y ago

Different acceleration figures for the Ferrari 488 GTB from AutoTopNL
0-100 km/h 3.52 sec
0-200 km/h 9.28 sec
100-200 km/h 5.75 sec
1/4 mile 10.81 sec
0-250 km/h 14.52 sec
0-300 km/h 25.34


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Freakz  5y ago

488 GTB vs Huracan 1/4 Mile:


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brz  6y ago

who put 7.2 for 1/8 mile

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Dieselflategate   6y ago

Now that the 488 is reaching the end of its production run, what do you think it's hybrid v8 successor's gonna be like? (Like engine size, power, performance.)

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Freakz  6y ago

488 GTB vs F12 (Launch Control):


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Freakz  6y ago

488 GTB vs Huracan Spyder (Roll Race):


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Freakz  6y ago

488 GTB vs Lamborghini Aventador Coupé (Roll Race):


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dddd  7y ago


Very good result. 488 GTB can make the numbers when the driver is decent !

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dddd  7y ago


So bad results for 488 GTB.

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Freakz  7y ago

488 GTO/Speciale Teaser!


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dddd  7y ago

My bet is 740 PS.0-100 km/h in 2,7s, 0-200 km/h in 7,5s, incredible track performance and the best handling/steering/feeling/drivetrain ever made by Ferrari.

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Freakz  7y ago

488 GTO new leaked image!


Link for more information:

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hostboy  7y ago

This car reminds me of a cute girl and her favorite show, The Office (US)

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hostboy  7y ago

Now that 650S is discontinued and 720S is in a whole another league, 488 now competes with 570S. 488 was once a moderate supercar.

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tyler  7y ago

Does really anyone care about this car that much anymore because of the 720S.

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB

Photo of Ferrari 488 GTB