Image of Tesla Model S P85

Tesla Model S P85 specs

Price in Europe €95,900
Price in US $107,350
Car type 4-door saloon
Curb weight 2073-2154 kg (4570-4749 lbs)
Dimensions 4.80 m (189 in) long, 2.11 m (83 in) wide, 1.38 m (54 in) high
Wheelbase 2.85 m (112 in)
Introduced 2012
Origin country United States
Average energy consumption 22.9-19.6 kwh/100 km
Views 38.3k
Submitted by Jeff B

Acceleration (kph)

0 - 40 kph1.3 s
0 - 50 kph2.2 s
0 - 80 kph3.5 s
0 - 100 kph4.5 s
0 - 120 kph6.2 s
0 - 130 kph7.0 s
0 - 140 kph8.0 s
0 - 160 kph10.4 s
0 - 180 kph13.6 s
0 - 200 kph19.0 s
60 - 100 kph2.1 s
80 - 120 kph2.7 s
Est. 100 - 200 kph14.5 s
45 - 65 mph1.7 s

Acceleration (mph)

0 - 30 mph1.7 s
0 - 40 mph2.4 s
0 - 50 mph3.1 s
0 - 60 mph4.0 s
0 - 70 mph5.0 s
0 - 80 mph6.3 s
0 - 90 mph7.7 s
0 - 100 mph9.5 s
Est. 1/8 mile9.0 s @ 93.8 mph
1/4 mile12.4 s @ 112.5 mph
Tesla Model S P85 acceleration graph

General performance

Top speed210 kph (130 mph)
Est. max acceleration0.70 g (7 m/s²)
18m slalom64.9 kph (40.3 mph)
Lateral acceleration0.92 g (9 m/s²)
100 kph - 035 m (116 ft)
160 kph - 094 m (307 ft)
60 mph - 033 m (108 ft)

Powertrain specs

Engine type Electric Motor
Power 422 ps (416 bhp / 310 kw) @ 8600 rpm
Torque 601 Nm (443 lb-ft) @ 5100 rpm
Power / weight 199 ps (196 bhp) / t
Torque / weight 283 Nm (209 lb-ft) / t
Efficiency 193 PS per l/100 km
Power / €5000 22 ps
Layout rear engine, rear wheel drive

More 0-60 and 1/4 mile times

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Planet B  3y ago

This post has received too much negative feedback and is hidden. Click here to show it anyway.

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Danish Viking  3y ago

I own one.... The "P" version ofcourse. And I gotta say; I've owned Italian sportscars etc. This. One. Beats. That.

I'm never going back to 'gasmobiles', and I'd never ever have through that. But once you've tried one of the good one/up-marked EV, then there's just no comparing an 'old car' w. the new type of cars. Its like a donkey to an airplane.

/Greetings from Scandinavia

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Myk  7y ago

1/4 mile estimate is way off. I ran 12.9@104mph at Santapod with cold battery @ 80% charge. Motor was only putting down 350BHP at the time.

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DDriver  12y ago

Had a chance to test drive it last week. It's a freaking spaceship. The immediacy of the acceleration when you step on the gas is mind blowing. And now with the news of unlimited miles for 8 years with transferable warranty - the best buy nowadays for that kind of money

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JAY2013  12y ago

Tesla Model S racing rivals

Chevrolet Volt, Fisker Karma, Nissan Leaf, Toyota Prius, Ford Focus electric

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JAY2013  12y ago

Only the wheelbase is higher than that of the Crown Victoria. Still, the same near-luxury full-size game. 116.5 inches vs. 114.9 inches

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JAY2013  12y ago

The Tesla Model S is the new Crown Victoria! A rear-driver and just a little bit smaller with more passengers.

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saxy  12y ago

too bad I didn't test drive this car last time when I had a chance. This car has some serious performance.

My only concern is, for people who use luxury limos, is convenience, and long term comfort. Because of the range, it'll always be not good enough. I have to say, Fisker is the way to do it

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DeDe  12y ago

0-100 kph: 4,4 s
0-200 kph: 17,8 s


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DeDe  12y ago

0-130 kph: 7,0 s
0-160 kph: 10,4 s
0-200 kph: 19,0 s


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Viking  13y ago

I have seen quite a few of these in recent weeks. Good looking car in person. I think that if one of these electric cars suits your needs, it is a fine good looking car. I really don't have anything bad to say about it. Of course, I can't afford one anyway. I don't think it is as fun to drive as a sports car, but it might equal the fun of some sports sedans (I haven't driven one of these Tesla models, so I can't say for sure). :)

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Аnon  13y ago

Now in South California I see Tesla dealership in every big shopping center I visit. Musk is really trying hard to mass market this car. And you already can go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in one trip with a stop in Barstow for a free supercharging. Damn, this is first time I hate to be poor. People who can afford this, not only get a nice looking car with tremendous acceleration, plus they get super cheap fueling/charging costs. The only bad thing I can tell about Tesla is that stupid big-ass screen to control everything instead of proper knobs and buttons. I am waiting to read about first customer who crashed her/his car because he was adjusting climate using that screen

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Fangio Man  13y ago

0-100 kph in just 4.5 seconds in a 2 ton car with only 420 PS?

Sounds good to me.

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DeDe  13y ago

0-40 kph: 1,3 s
0-100 kph: 4,5 s
0-160 kph: 11,3 s

AutoZeitung 16/2013

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BR2'  13y ago

Whats it doing here? Its doing the same thing as every other car here.

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CoolShirtGuy  13y ago

True, there's no reason for Tesla to care about laptimes with a car like this. But, a couple little birdies on other auto enthusiast sites have said that a Model S will be present at Motor Trend's Best Driver's Car competition, so we might be getting a Laguna Seca laptime in the near future. There will probably be one in Car & Driver's next Lightning Lap as well.

I'm not expecting a whole lot. That instant torque may be able to get it moving pretty quick, and it's got great aerodynamics, but 420hp and 4650lbs doesn't sound like a winning combination on the track. Plus even with this performance model, the suspension is still tuned with a bias towards comfort on the street, and the tires aren't exactly aggressive.

However, Tesla is now offering a "Performance Plus" package that addresses those two things specifically, with a retuned suspension and more performance-oriented Michelin tires.

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Hans  13y ago

So what this car is doing here on

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BR2'  13y ago

lol Track times does in NO way mean a car is great, nor does any car need to be tested on a track in order to be, Doubt Tesla gives a damn about track times with this car, as they shouldn't with this kind of car.

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FooBar  13y ago

If the car is so great, where are the lap times? I don't think they are good, or Tesla would be pushing them hard. The Roadster was slow on the track as well, relative to its drag times.

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Viking  13y ago

@ArchLab very true. We have a fair bit of hydro-electric power here in California, so for those who really want to run electric, this is the place. I run petrol of course, but oh well. :)

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ArchLab  13y ago

Unfortunately, in both places I live, the Tesla (& all fully electric vehicles) are actually poweredby Coal & Diesel (Generators).
If you're gonna buy a Tesla because of the Sustainable factor, then at least be a Californian, a German or someone from a place where renewable power is viable.

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BR2'  13y ago

@Mental, thats what happens when you put an Ameutur in "That" kind of car, An Evo IX can beat a Viper in the 1/4 if the person in the Viper isnt even considered good..

Thas why alot of these racing videos or M5Board or anything of the sort, always have the people in the Manual cars losing, Automatic/Dct, vs Amaetur in Manual, the result is "Almost" always the non Manual car.

And with cars like a Viper, You cant have a heavy foot, all that torque with no launch aids and a manual, unless ur Jamie Furman or anyone on hos leval, dont expect Incredible results.

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Mental  13y ago

Unbelievable, does Tesla beats a Viper Roadster with a huge V10 in the 1/4 drag race setting 12.37@110.8! How can that happen Tesla outperforms Viper? Viper has 100 hp more power, 100+ Nm more and weights damn half a tonne less! Or Tesla's secret is a specific transmission.. tires? But, still!

Though, a better theory is possibly a non pro driver was launching the Viper. Yeah, that seems to be true cause Viper's record is 11.8@124, in comparison to Tesla's 12.3.

In addition, they claimed Tesla S currently is the fastest production e-mobile. Something tells me otherwise, SLS ED.

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Shaggy  13y ago

@BR2: You must be the most reasonable, open minded person on this site, I admire that.

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NIN  13y ago

People need to read more on how electric vehicles are advancing.

For the Model S, range is 160, 230, or 300 miles depending on which battery is used.

Charging times depend on the type of charger used. Most people will use a charger at home that gives 62miles for every hour on the charger (twin charger). Commercial charge stations will give 300miles for every hour.

If you use a standard 12amp/110volt plug, it takes forever but someone who owns the car would use the proper connection (80amp/240volt).

Many businesses offer FREE charging for customers to lure people to shop there and charge their car. Many businesses offer free chargers for employees. As these become more popular, the charging options will increase.

For commuting by car, there is nothing wrong with electric vehicles other than the price to purchase and that will come down over time.

Internal combustion engines will be around for the rest of your life and beyond so there is no need to worry.

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Shaggy  13y ago

I just don't want so many people to buy cars like this that gas and diesel powered vehicles are phased out, that would be a tragedy.

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Shaggy  13y ago

I have an apology to make, maybe I'm going about this all wrong, maybe the more people get cars like this, the more oil gets saved for the rest of us, and the longer we get to enjoy our gas powered cars, I've just had this moment of clarity, I'm very opinionated, but I'm also a reasonable man, sorry, dudes.

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Shaggy  13y ago

Electric cars might be good for the city if you live within 5 miles of your workplace, but electric cars can only travel 50-70 miles on a single charge and it 13 hours to recharge them. If you love electric cars, good for you, but as for me, I'll do the practical thing an stick with my old fashioned outdated internal combustion engines.

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Mental  13y ago

Imps.. when the oil will get over, I shall hope on hydrogen systems...

I hope they shall run bigger distances than electrics. The most obvious that the filling of the hydrogen tank will take only a minute, not like electrics charging for hours... And H2 engines they will be absolutely (..cough.. cough) ecological, even shall get the atmosphere in cities wetter.

So why people go in cycles with these electrics? The only problem of hydrogen is in their expensiveness.

The petrol engines are the bests overall. Pity the oil is not endless...

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Captain Obvious  13y ago

@Shaggy YOu are a retard. You hate electric cars because they can't cover the range you need to commute? You are the same kind of stupid as people at the end of XIX century who were complaining that cars were noisy, smelly, and can't go for more then 18-26 miles without maintenance. Horses for the win!

Photo of Tesla Model S P85