Also, Anybody can not drive a car full out, its not that hard to do, Hell a teen could do it, Although given the car it would be more difficult, But even with monitoring equipment its still quite easy to do, Not saying anyone did, But im not gonna criticize somebodys driving ability like that, Not if i cant prove it.
And why is it that people have to go the country route? Oh its a British car so they will have that car win? An American car so they win etc etc
@Thiago Lins
A ZO6 is in NO way a track day car, Its a car thats fast on a track, In no way in hell a ZO6 is more a track weapon then a 488, A GTB was made to be as fast like the ZO6, The ACR is a car thats MENT to be on a track, Theres a difference between a car thats fast on a track, And a car thats built to BE fast on a track.